Humans of Technology — Vitaly Golomb, Silicon Valley Venture Capitalist and Managing Director at IEG Investment Banking

Vitaly is Managing Director and Global Head of Principal Investments at IEG Investment banking group, acclaimed keynote speaker and Silicon Valley-based investor. He most recently served as Partner at HP Tech Ventures.

Kim Ho
3 min readMar 8, 2018


Beginning his career as a UX/UI Designer, Vitaly quickly rose to the ranks of Managing Partner and Creative Director at online media company Sputnik Integrated. He went on to found printing ecommerce platform Keen Systems, where he served as CEO. The company ended up being one of three companies Vitaly has taken from idea to exit.

Vitaly has served as advisor, consultant and board member to a number of companies including Rimac Automobili, 500 Startups and CCC Startups. Today, he sits as Partner and Global Startup Evangelist at HP, travelling to over 20 countries every year, sharing his expertise on startups and entrepreneurship. He is also a contributing editor at TechCrunch and author of ‘Accelerated Startup’; a textbook used by accelerator programs and business schools around the world.

“Do well, then do good”.

1) Android or iOS?


2) Bitcoin or Ethereum?

Some future form of Ethereum.

3) Gmail or Outlook?


4) Best gift you’ve ever received?

Advice from my mentors.

5) Best gift you’ve ever given?


6) What is the one book you’ve read over and over again?

‘Spent: Sex, Evolution, and Consumer Behaviour’, by Geoffrey Miller.

7) What is the one book you would recommend all fresh graduates to read?

‘Guns, Germs, and Steel’, by Jared Diamond.

8) What is the best thing that happened this year?

Can’t talk about it just yet!

9) Most memorable career moment so far?

Looking at the company bank account after closing the first multi-million dollar investment round.

10) What’s your favourite country to visit?


11) Last country you visited?


12) What country would you like to visit?

South Africa.

13) What is something you always travel with?

Melatonin, caffeine pills with B vitamins, and noise reduction headphones.

14) What’s the world’s most pressing issue today?

Inequality of opportunity and education.

15) What’s your go-to news source?

Apple News, CNBC and Seeking Alpha for financial news.

16) What’s your go-to social media channel?


17) What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?

Check the market, respond to any urgent overnight emails from colleagues around the world, take vitamins and then head to my home gym.

18) What’s the last thing you do before leaving the office?

Set out my task list for the following day.

19) What advice would you give to someone who wants to be a keynote speaker?

Come up with a unique, in-depth perspective on a topic. Take every opportunity to speak and practice.

20) Who is your role model?

I’ve had a number of personal mentors throughout my career, and I’ve synthesize their knowledge. I don’t worship any heroes in particular.

21) What did you study at university? Why?

Computer and Video Imaging. I was a self-taught designer at the beginning of my career but I had to formalize to make my mom happy.

22) What is your valuable skill?

Being able to break down complex problems.

23) What is one skill you wish you had?

Photographic memory!

24) What is the best advice you ever received?

Do well then do good.

25) What is the best advice you’ve ever given?

Focus. No one is smart enough to be the best at something with a part-time effort.

26) If you had one superpower, what would it be?

To stop time.

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Kim Ho

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