Bitcoin: a Sign Post

Kirk Willard
Loci Mutual
Published in
2 min readDec 16, 2018

Bitcoin’s major contribution is centered on demonstrating a new model for “holding purchasing power” solely, absent a custodian or “bank.”

This innovation of property rights are still guarded by legal systems and their regional monopoly on violence — thank goodness, we need them. The fact of bitcoin builds entirely upon existing property law.

Self-custody Progression

Bitcoin demonstrates a core truth that value can be held outside a financial institution as currently defined by regulators. Individuals and non-financial entities globally are beginning to realize it is possible to possess, store, and transfer purchasing power without the help of a third-party financial intermediary. Self-custody assets (BTC) now circulate in non-custodial infrastructure (BTC nodes and blockchain).

Remember, freedom is the forbidden fruit. Once tasted, nothing is the same.

Bitcoin brought freedom to “purchasing power” like nothing before. It’s power is a sign post — bitcoin points to a truth that “people may freely possess and transfer value with the aid of no other.” No one is naturally entitled to a small fraction of the money of free people.

Bitcoin illuminates a new paradigm of self-custody to be built upon the property laws that came before. People inspired by bitcoin who following now will build on it.

We are building a new freedom.

Thank you bitcoin.

