Kirk Willard
Loci Mutual
Published in
2 min readAug 18, 2016


Natural Housing Capital Cycle

Loci Open Value Network — Investment Thesis

The way we see the world impacts how we serve it.

We believe the expertise needed to manage complex global businesses is concentrated among an ever smaller number of skilled teams. As the total number of sophisticated managers relative to capital shrinks, the premium commanded by those teams will appreciate notably.

We invest in global teams. Our teams serve network stakeholders.

As global markets grow more complex, the shortage of quality teams relative to capital will only be exasperated, making the global quest for wealth protection all the more urgent.

We serve global demand for the wealth protection offered by non-correlated assets.

Real asset demand is driven to further extremes by high inflation and currency risk in many emerging economies. Together these global macro forces underpin a long term imbalance between the demand for and supply of stable US real assets. The global asset shortage is likely to persist long term.

The Loci Network will serve demand for non-correlated assets by producing US housing assets for long-term ownership.

We seek to lower our cost of long-term investment capital by broadly expanding participation in the assets produced and owned long-term in the Loci Network.

We will remove global barriers to participation by creating a digital network to power no-fee transfers and peer exchanges of Loci virtual currencies and digital securities.

Loci Network enabled no-fee transfers and peer markets will ease global participation in low-barrier, digitally traded real assets.

updated 1.24.2017

