GetLoci Values
GetLoci is becoming a globally trusted digital marketplace and payment network. As we grow to serve network peers globally, our values will guide our choices.
GetLoci and its teams are called to lead. GetLoci teams are called to serve. GetLoci teams are stewards the Loci Network. Below are 12 key reasons why we do.
1. We believe the world is getting better — less violent, more knowledgeable, more peaceful as a whole. The world in general is following an upward trend.
2. We believe we live in a world of abundance, not scarcity. The world has enough resources for all, but global distortions result in inequitable distribution.
3. Words, pictures, and music matter. We value culture, beauty, and the art of story telling.
4. We believe investments, small or large, are moral choices. We choose not to divorce financial decisions from our values. Profit at the cost of our values is loss.
5. We seek to build regenerative rather than exploitative economic systems. We believe financial systems should serve their natural stakeholders.
6. We exist to serve the many over the few. We believe systems central to fundamental commerce should be owned and shared by natural users rather than by central banks and the governments they finance.
7. We value economic equity. GetLoci is an inclusive egalitarian networkthat serves and protects all users equitably.
8. We are compelled to use our privilege and expertise to seek justice with those unable to seek it alone, to multiply the regenerative force of our natural desire to serve.
9. We value protest. GetLoci is our direct protest against systems that are unjust. Our form of protest is to build an equitable alternative.
10. We value privacy. User data is user data. Users control how their data is managed and protected.
11. We value transparency and see it as a discipline, perpetually establishing and maintaining the trust and confidence of stakeholders. Transparency enhances the liquidity and value of the Loci Network.
12. We believe independence is preservation. We are building an augmented economic reality where money and influence are shared equitably among the natural stakeholders of the Loci Network.