LG Token Test

Kirk Willard
Loci Mutual
Published in
Jan 11, 2022

Read on to help build the mutual ownership economy

LG emission schedule

Associates wishing to test the LG token on the Rinkeby test network will complete the following tasks:

  1. Create a private wallet using Metamask.io or equivalent
  2. Import the LG custom token contract [do not search, but import a custom token] by pasting the contract address copied from Etherscan here.
  3. Send your wallet address to Loci by DM to Twitter.com/loci_mu/
  4. Confirm receipt of LG by sending a screen shot of your tokens in your wallet by DM to Twitter.com/loci_mu/

Auction testing will commence Tuesday, January 11, 2022 and continue until January 18, 2022 when the emission contract will launch on ETH mainnet.

441 million LG token distribution

