The Loci Open Value Network Blasts Off

Kirk Willard
Loci Mutual
Published in
3 min readApr 22, 2018
Loci Open Value Network #LOVN

R0.3 Loci Network Release

We’re excited to begin serving users of the Loci Network. Early users participating in the GetLoci Rewards program are now eligible to complete the profile, and provide required identification. Once complete, users may mint Loci digital assets for use in the Loci Network.

The release brief is available here:

Stem to stern, the above statement required approximately seven years to write: from concept, to first minting of a Loci digital asset by a third-party user this just this week. We’re preparing to be an over night success as we methodically mature into a globally trusted open value network owned and managed by users globally.

The Loci Open Value Network (#LOVN) enables users to avoid predatory intermediaries in favor of compliant, person to person exchanges of digital assets, options, and securities.

FIRST. GetLoci innovation is centers on its business model. GetLoci eliminates the business of digital asset administration and exchanges from the network entirely, replacing them with user-owned and user-managed software and IP utilized under license agreement with self-serve users globally. Users license GetLoci in order to access the Loci Network to avoid digital asset financial intermediaries globally.

Loci digital assets are what we call SAPE digital assets: Self administered, and Peer exchanged. Users mint digital assets by sending money to their local Network Nodes. Nodes (i.e. US Node) accept local currency in exchange for minting the corresponding Loci digital asset (i.e. Loci dollar). The agreement between the minting user and the Node are captured in the Loci Digital Asset Agreement (

SECOND. GetLoci is a trusted open value network. The network sponsor and its affiliates establish contractual relationship with users as they utilize features of the network. From the first user interaction, Users enter into the GetLoci Awards program earning GetLoci Rewards. A cursory list of potential agreements a user may enter include:

Privacry and Terms of Use

GetLoci Rewards Agreement

Loci Digital Asset Agreement

Subscription Agreement for Loci GLOBAL, common equity shares

Performance of obligations arising from each of these agreements is vital to our role as a steward of the Loci Network. We believe management of value within the Loci Network is a role best served by well-governed, trusted teams with interests aligned with network stakeholders. We are building those teams today to serve users globally. With the R0.3 network, we establish a durable commitment to serve global users of Loci Network.

THIRD. The unifying purpose of the Loci Network is to expand global participation in low-barrier digital assets, securities, and real estate in order to expand cost-effective housing access globally. Digital securities will be offered directly by the Network Sponsor to network users in order to fund network infrastructure and growth. The Sponsor utilizing affiliate SPEs will offer digital real estate securities directly to users to fund direct housing investments held long-term withing the Loci Network for the benefit of users globally who may elect to participate by holding lower barrier real estate securities.

Central to offering a quality experience to users of the network and its digital assets, options, and securities is the ease of movement from local currency to global ones, then into global assets to protect wealth and avoid financial predators. As the network matures we will demonstrate the symbiotic relationship among global consumers and merchants on one hand, and housing producers, operators, and long term owners on the other, united by need of a ubiquitous digital network enabling free exchange of cash flow and capital among sources and users of capital and cash flow within the Loci Network.

#LOVN Peer Markets

The Loci Open Value Network aims to serve both sources and users of capital, serving the needs of each transparently, while also enabling private users to avoid systemic financial intermediaries globally. Features that will be release in the R0.4 release will see this vision for the network realized.

Follow along as the Loci Network matures at

