Interview with local Essex Mama’s Kerrie Prowse, Hollie Keskin & Jo Sealey

The next interview in the #ParentingTheSummer series is one from a group of ladies very close to my heart. These trio of lovely ladies I met via NCT with my first terror and over the last nearly 4 years they’ve been my rock. We message daily asking advice, making each other laugh and generally supporting each other through babyhood to threenager challenges. Seeing our kids grow up together and occasionally fight is everything. There is no mama’s I’d trust more for advice, supportive words than this trio of kick ass warriors…. #girlgangforever ✌️

Get Mama Out
5 min readJul 12, 2018


To start with it would be great to know a little bit about yourself and your family

Kerrie: I’m a full time mummy to two children, a 3 year old girl called Freya and a 1 year old called Alfie.

Hollie: I’m a full time mum to two little girls, Amaia who is 3 and Aida who is 7 Months and my husband/third child, Adam!

Jo: I have a 3.5 yr old daughter called Lottie, and am married to Anthony. I work full time in London.

What do you find challenging about the summer holidays?

Kerrie: This is the first summer holidays I have had to entertain two children since Freya started pre-school this year. Hope I can keep them entertained but not spend a fortune doing so!

Hollie: I have only recently changed Amaia’s Nursery place to term time only whilst I am on maternity leave, so this will be my first summer off of work with two children to entertain 24/7. I am hoping for good weather so we can spend lots of time outdoors!

Jo: The guilt! I’m at work and they’re off having fun without me! I try to take as many days off that I can during the holidays to join in and also book activities/days out so it’s quality time together.

I’m lucky that my husband is also a teacher so he is on hols too, but there is always something to juggle.

Tell us how you spend a typical summer weekend or day with your family

Kerrie: Freya loves playing in her paddling pool in the garden and now Alfie is walking he loves chasing her about the garden, or she loves going out on her scooter.

Hollie: You can’t beat a trip to the park! Amaia has so much energy to burn off and loves climbing and running about, and until Aida learns to crawl she’s quite content to sit in her pram and watch everyone playing! We also love a family day trip to the seaside, Leigh on Sea is our favourite!

Jo: I like to keep active and have a plan, I feel like my weekends are precious so I want to make the most of them, spending time with Lottie and Ant, but also getting lots of things ticked off my never-ending To Do list! Saturday is the day we will go out somewhere, whether it’s to the park, shopping or further a field. Sunday I like to stay local and get organised for the week ahead.

What tips would you give other mums on making the summer less stressful?

Kerrie: I find getting out and breaking the day up helps, even if your just going round the block on their scooters or to a play place for a while, let kids make a mess somewhere else not in your house!

Hollie: like to go to bed at night with a plan for the next day, even if it’s just a trip to the high street to get some jobs done. If I know what I’m doing I can have the changing bag packed with enough bottles/snacks etc and when the kids wake up in the morning we can get up, dressed and out of the door with minimal stress.

Jo: Just get out! Even if it up the road and back again on their bikes, fresh air and the chance to escape makes all the difference to them and you! Especially if it’s sunny! Once cabin fever sets in you all get ratty and that’s when it becomes a slog. Also have things stashed in the cupboard for those rainy days just in case, then you’ll always feel in control and ready with a plan to keep them entertained.

To finish, what three words sum up the summer holidays to you

Kerrie: Play-dates with wine 😜

Hollie: Fun, sun, memories😄☀💫

Jo: Adventures, ice-cream, no rest!

Thank you ladies for your amazing advice 😘

I hope you loved reading this interview, stay tuned for more amazing Essex Mama’s sharing their views on how to make summer awesome. Join us on this this journey for more interviews, tips and tricks to put a smile on everyones face by watching #ParentingTheSummer on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook☀️👧👶🌈🍦✌⚡️😘❤️



Get Mama Out

Brentwood Mama ⚡️ on a mission to uncover amazing local kid friendly activities to ensure sanity prevails over the summer #getmamaout ☀️👧👶🌈