Five Essential Elements for Good User Experience.

Alaguharani A B
Published in
5 min readJun 17, 2021


Creating a better UX is the first key for product success.

User Experience.


The creation of a successful application be it web/mobile, is not a linear process. It is a combination of various design elements that ensures its efficiency. The main component here that pulls in most of the audience towards the application is the User Experience. It may sound like the most obvious fact because it is!

Are you wondering what UX is? Worry no more. Here is the Mayon blog that helps you understand it completely.

The experience is what decides the future of the customers’ connection with the brand and applications. A good user experience should get strategized, not based on customer words but with the help of their actions. Develop designs after understanding and witnessing the way customers interact, work, and spend time on your products. The shift of importance to the end-user creates a solid brand perception. These are more tangible proofs than the proclaimed surveys and opinions. It should be created based on the future because expectations don’t travel backward. They travel at 10x what we can process in our brains. What could help?

A complete usability testing might help in the creation of a mindmap of the strengths and vulnerabilities of that particular product. Now that we know how important UX is for enhancing the customer base, can we now jump to learn the most important aspects of it? Five important elements join hands together to create the best User Experience.

The Five Essential Elements for a good UX:

Create the most engaging and organic brands and applications that bring together an active community with these valuable tips.

  1. The Information Architecture:

So, what is an information architecture to be precise?

Information Architecture is a job in itself. It helps organizations to design and build user interfaces for web, mobile applications, etc. It ensures that the information that gets displayed in these is clear and easier to understand. They are high in demand due to their high technical skills and efficiency. In an application or product, the findability of the data is as important as its quality.

Websites are the gateway for the brand to connect with its customer in the beginning. If they are unequipped well or maintained to meet the current expectations, there is a stellar chance to drive potential customers away.

Direct your customer to the information they are looking for, which is how IA can be defined. It is a well-known fact that designers should be psychologists who could understand the customer’s perspective and place the right content at the perfect spot. Thereby they make the customer journey inside the app a remarkable one. It should consist of a proper organizational structure, advanced search systems, and simplified labels on websites.

A good UX can get created when,

  • You are clear about your Target audience.
  • The perfect content filtered out for your audience.
  • Sending across information that is of use for your customers.

2) Interaction Design:

It is the conglomeration of the interactions that take place between users and the product. It happens predominantly through the impressions created by senses which coordinate with sounds, colors, aesthetics, etc. It is the way the user communicates with the app and vice versa. How can this help in the creation of a good UX?

Here, the interactive design is customized to suit the target audience and their expectations. The greatest asset to user experience is a design that is simple and transparent. It may create awe to produce the most complex design solutions, they are just not the people’s favorite. Here the end user is our protagonist whose experience is all that matters.

To craft a better interactive design following are required;

  • Words:

Keep it minimal. The design interfaces have call-to-action buttons which should get filled with words that are simple and on point. Avoid unnecessary addition of thesaurus to the content.

  • Visuals:

It depicts the perfect usage of the images and icons that go hand in hand with the content and support the context.

  • Compatibility:

It should be supportive across the platforms. The user experience should adapt itself to the respective platform be it mobile, desktop, or tablet, and immerse in the product.

  • Response:

The patience of the users inside the app doesn’t need testing. The quickest reactions to the user actions are what would interest them in moving further into the funnel.

3) The Usability:


User Experience and crowning usability as one of the key elements for perfecting it are mandatory. It helps the user to achieve their needs without much trouble. A good UX should be as simple as the alphabet classes for a graduate. In other words, it should be simple, effective, and efficient to carry the users from beginning to end without them worrying about the process. It should be easy enough that users can understand the web design in their very first meeting.

The usability can be enhanced with feedback and user research, so the experiences are infused with satisfaction for the customers.

4) Visual Design:

There is an age-old quote that asks people not to judge a book by its cover. Yet real-life scenarios prove otherwise. What might graphic designers do at publication houses? Everyone has first impressions and making the most out of it could do wonders for the brand.

It is consciously creating a better prototype to amaze your users, kick-starting the best experience journey. It happens through the perfect alignment of images, spacing, layouts. Videos, images, graphics. They should be both visually attractive and intellectually informative. The visual design helps in creating a better position for these products in the marketplace.

5) User Research:

As the name suggests, users are the beginning and end of UX. To bring them the best experience, the groundwork is done perfectly. It should cover user behavior, their preferences, choices, expectations, objectives. Once all these requirements get noted, the design copy would get perfected to meet their necessities.

The research is incomplete if the accurate outcomes are not received as tangible metrics. The user experience design success can be measured either through qualitative or quantitative methods. When the users can achieve their end objective. The credibility that adds to the UX can get included in the qualitative method of measuring metrics. For the quantitative, we have the analysis of click-through rates, conversion rates, etc. These two methods should get combined to understand the success of the UX.

These are the five essential elements that are necessary for a good User experience for the customers. If you are looking for a team of experts to perfect your UX designs, look no further. Go ahead and ping us here,



Alaguharani A B
Writer for

Content Writer. A traveller with books for navigation.