Importance of W3C Standards in Web Application Development.

Alaguharani A B
Published in
5 min readJul 12, 2021


Maintaining Uniformity and cross-browser compatibility.

W3C Standards and Web Application Development.

The internet is a strange and interesting place. It holds manifolds of data and access to information that are hard to find through manual search which might be time-consuming. It has also altered the way interactions take place in the world. The internet has come a long way from bringing the unruly space of scattered codes to the largest space of ever-developing variations. The biggest advantage it has brought to our tables is that knowledge is not constrained to certain sects of people and groups. It has made accessibility to a certain extent an undeniable possibility. Any individual can read, research, and train themselves to learn about a subject unlike before. Here, W3C makes the initiation towards a career in web development a step closer.

The World Wide Web Consortium(W3C) is an organization managed by universities across the globe. It is a universal organization meant to improve and enhance the web. It defines an open web platform for application development. They have the undeniable quality to create experiences where the applications are built on compatibility and add a layer of interactions. As discussed earlier, the W3C is evolving beyond its boundaries and, the complete strength of this platform is not in itself. W3C is supported by WOFF, CSS, XML, CSS, and various APIs. The introduction to web and application development is not always properly done to the students. These are the documents and services which are available for the creation of interoperable web browsers.

Short Glimpse of W3C history:

The untamed and unruly internet altered with the introduction of W3C as it brought order into the cyber world. It was created in 1994 by Tim Berners-Lee and it puts forth the common web standards so the websites work the same in all web browsers as well look similar. Tim also is the creator of WWW. The W3C lays the foundation for a vision and long-term growth of the websites parallel by enhancing the standards, guidelines, and protocols. They are well known for their standards for HTML and CSS.

How does it work?

W3C has membership that comprises the key participants in the IT industry and carved its track record of success. The accessibility to tones of data also comes with its own limitations such as the overwhelming presence of information and the void in knowledge, which cannot be simply ignored.

The World Wide Web is defined as a data ecosystem. The content that has to get fed into the web is created and through the browser it reaches the people. For the web to work effectively and efficiently it has to follow some standards.

What are these standards? They are as follows.

The Importance of W3C standards:

Standards and their importance.

Earlier when the internet began to flourish, there were not many standard codes in rotation for the page designs, browser compatibility, etc. Before the introduction of these standards, the applications and websites were unable to work promptly with many browsers, which nullifies the whole process. If they cannot get accessed by people through the browser without which the content becomes pointless. It searched for specific information a complex one.

The World Wide Web Consortium had one clear mission. That is to bring the web to its ultimate potential. It is guided by the Open Standards Principles and has handpicked standards lined up to make the most out of it. It is said to have created more than 90 standards and these are called the recommendations.

The website of W3C lists out due process, transparency, broad consensus, balance, and openness. While the consortium has developed its own set of standards such as, DOM, CSS, CGI, HTML, XML, etc.

Now that we are familiar with the popular standards, we will have to remember that these are no random standards but the ones that were put through rigorous reviews and testing.

What do they do for web application development?

Simple. These standards make sure that the web provides a uniform experience for all of its users regardless of their location and differences. The W3C standards support the standards like XML and CSS to enhance the similar experience for users around the world which is also their mission. It is therefore a thing of importance for web designers, users, and developers. It also makes sure that accessibility, privacy, internationalization all stay effective while maintaining fairness, speed, and quality intact.

These standards are responsible for increasing the speed of search engine optimization thereby finding the websites in higher ranks organically while increasing site traffic. They create cross-platform compatibility.

One of the most prominent aspects of the W3C is that these technologies cost zero for downloads and are royalty-free. The promise of accessibility never gets compromised. The point made here is that these standards are necessary for the web to work efficiently and to create a hassle-free workflow. The websites, therefore, are not frustrating to use for the visitors. The usage of CSS also saves the web application form having a humongous size which in turn helps in speeding up the loading time and limits the hosting costs.

The World Wide Web Consortium aims, motions, and succeeds in creating smooth web applications that are accessible for all despite the differences like location or technology and is competent enough to work on all platforms and devices. These are what make the standards of W3C mandatory for any web designer or user, who wishes to experience the uniformity of the website content and look for customers and themselves respectively. If you are looking for the right team to set it all up for you without chaos, tap the following link of Team Mayon. You can send us your queries here:



Alaguharani A B

Content Writer. A traveller with books for navigation.