How to Promote Your Business During Quarantine

Mariia Lvovych
Published in
2 min readApr 9, 2020

Globally, our reality is changing right now. Because of the coronavirus crisis, our way of living is disrupted. Businesses are temporarily closing. The economy is slowing down.

It’s a critical time. Like everyone else, you’re not prepared for this. Your business isn’t prepared for how this pandemic can change everything. This crisis will profoundly affect it and the global economy. Even if the world seems like stopping, your marketing doesn’t have to stop. In times like this, with operations and logistics being on hold, marketing is your key component to promote your business online and to have a more stable future once this crisis is over.

Good thing, we have the internet. During this pandemic crisis, utilize it and focus on your digital marketing and strategies on how to promote your business online.

Here, we give you some ideas how to do it:

Create new relevant content

Whether you’re a small business or a major enterprise, this is the time to create more content. With all the time on your hands, you can start to strategize, ideate and craft new content.

The quality and quantity of your content reflect the image of your brand. So, make sure that you are producing content that is relevant to what’s going on today. It will help your brand be more visible in the digital space. But remember to be conscious. It’s a sensitive time for everyone so create content that adds value to your audience’s quarantine lives. Think of educational content than hard-sell promotions.

Focus on your social media

Social media is built to connect with people. Use this to sustain your relationship with your customers. Keep in touch with them while everyone’s on quarantine. This means you need to build your engagement and be better on community management.

Think of it as keeping in touch with a friend. The less present you are in their life, the friendship dwindles to nothing. It’s the same thing with your audience, your customers. You will need to be connected with them. They need to know that you’re still there. Because once this virus crisis, you will need their support to get back on track.

Work with influencers

One great way to sustain your brand awareness and overall marketing performance during this global quarantine is through influencer collaboration. It’s the perfect time to tap with influencers to build a new audience and attract potential customers. Studies have shown how effective influencer marketing is, claiming that 80% of marketers believe in it.

To work with an influencer, you don’t have to be out and violate any quarantine policies. Collaboration can be done in the digital space. This way, your marketing grows even more. Even your business is temporarily closed down or a part it can’t fully function because of the quarantine, your business is still growing. Influencers give you access to a new audience.

GetReviewed.Org is a platform that makes it even easier for you. All the collaborative process is automated, giving you access to influential bloggers that you can work with.



Mariia Lvovych

Blogger, Internet Marketer, founder at, an influencer marketing platform.