Scatter’s got a shiny new BP on Telos

Come and vote for us!

Rami James
Published in
2 min readNov 11, 2019


We are excited to announce that our expansion of infrastructure to support the EOSIO ecosystem is coming along well. With our BP on the EOS Mainnet running as expected for the last two months, we think now is the time to start supporting other EOSIO-based projects.

Vote for Scatter’s TELOS BP Candidate, “vote4scatter”

Why we selected Telos

Telos has taken the approach that they would like to address known technical, governance, and social issues with the EOS Mainnet and fix them to make for a better governance structure and a more egalitarian chain.

We like what Telos are doing a lot and this is our vote of confidence in the project.

For example, during the genesis snapshot, the token balances of the chain were capped to 40,000. The purpose of this was to attempt to keep the token distribution on the network as even as possible. That kind of foresight to ensure that everyone could have at least some semblance of an even standing within the network should be meaningful to everyone involved in these types of social and technical experiments.

Some other interesting features of the Telos chain include:

  1. The first 2 million accounts are free
  2. Full-featured — having a more nimble chain means that it is easier to implement large changes, and Telos has successfully turned on all features of the 1.8 upgrade to the EOSIO software stack.
  3. Inverse weighted voting — every account is incentivized to vote for as many block producers as possible, because it increases the weight of their vote. If you vote for only 1 BP, your vote means less than if you voted for 30.
  4. Standby block producer rotation — giving every BP the chance to be ready to produce blocks, ensuring higher quality standbys, and also giving the main BPs a chance to have regular downtime for maintenance and upgrades.
  5. Strict BP requirements — BPs are required to join and maintain a node on the Testnet before regproducing. Beyond that, nodes which do not produce can be kicked by the network, ensuring security, scalability, and stability of the network.

We’re convinced that Telos will be a great place for certain types of application developers to deploy, and that problems that the chain will encounter in the future have a higher likelihood of being addressed quickly and transparently.

Vote for Scatter’s TELOS BP Candidate, “vote4scatter”

— Rami James | Telegram: | Website:

Scatter is a blockchain application signature provider. We provide high quality tools for developers and users.

