Anonymous Job Postings: The hazards and ways to deal with them

If you have registered on job portals including, Times Jobs or more sites like these, you would be quite aware of the fact that there are hundreds of employers that post job openings everyday.

Most of the job descriptions that are mentioned in there, are perfect and match your skill set. However, there are many a times that these employers have anonymous job posts. Not only is this confusing, but it also hazardous in many ways.

When you ask how would it be hazardous? Well, firstly you don’t know who this employer is and he may end up being your own. While it doesn’t happen all the time but if your employer fire found out that you are applying on job sites it could be bad news for you.

Secondly, due to the anonymous job posts, you can’t know what the company is like and how well is it placed in the market. It could be something that would not be a good one for you.

Thirdly, since you don’t know who your employer is and what is his background, you would not know what to write in your cover letter or your resume. Imagine that you are applying in a media house for the post of an engineer but due to the anonymous job post you could think it was an IT company. These two don’t match don’t they? It would be difficult for you to mould your resume and cover letter according to the needs and requirements of the company.

What would the solution here be? Well, you could talk to them and apply with just a cover letter in the body of the email. You could then ask them to send you some more details of the company so that you could share a detailed resume. You could add your LinkedIn profile but not the resume unless you are aware of the company.

The reason for anonymous job postings could be that employers may have a confidential contract and are hiring for that. It could also be that a lay off is going on and they don’t want fresh candidates or their current employees to know about it.

Thus, if you end up coming across a job posting like this and want to apply, you could simply reply as a confidential candidate and impress the employer when others cannot.

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