Google to modernize job hunt; to spend $50 million

Robots! Rings a bell? Very soon, if not in the next few years, at least in the next few decades robots may just end up replacing us and do our jobs. Well before that Apocalypse comes into play, Google wants to contribute and help us.

The search engine giant has announced that it is investing around rupees 320 crores for studying as well as preparing us humans for the nature of work that’s changing constantly.

The philanthropic organization of Google also known as will ensure that people can make the most of the new jobs, opportunities as well as industries that have been emerging. Out of out of these there have been some which are completely unimaginable just about a few decades ago.

The investments are likely to begin in Europe as well as the United States.

Recently gig economy has been on the rise. Gig economy is a model where companies including air bnb, Uber and a few others of a short-term jobs to people so that they are free from the environment of the 9 to 5 structure.

However, these are the very jobs that result in stress among employees. A portion of the fifty million dollars that Google has committed is expected to go to nonprofit organizations including code for America which will make the lives of job seekers easy and help then getting the training that they require. They will also provide then guidance as well as counselling when opportunities come their way.

Google is also investing in social finance which is a UK based company that helps in solving social problems. The money will be used to help financially weak students in making the most out of contributions from various employers.

Google has come to this decision of investing into the structure after layoffs have become a common affair in many companies and robots have been replacing people. Google also believes that in the coming years jobs will required skills that are not known to the workforce today.

Source: Engadget

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