Here’s how you can have a worry free long term career break

There are times when circumstances ask for a long term break. Women are the subject items here mostly, as a marriage or a child in the way causes for a maternity leave, which at times ends up being extended for even a few years. There are also times when you take career breaks for a long term travel or pursue some other hobby.

This makes it difficult for you to rejoin at the same pace. Here are a few tips which will ensure in making your transition period of re-entry even smoother:

Strong Network: Having a strong network always helps. They say, you must never burn bridges and its true in most cases. You should build contacts professionally as much as possible as it gives you more credibility and helps you in rejoining as you will have many people referring you for jobs if you are in their good books.

Keep your Finances in Check: When you decide to leave a job, one thing that becomes the biggest problem is the source of finance. When you are ready for a career break, make sure you have your finances in check. If you are taking a maternity leave, you should ensure that your spouse has a steady job/business. If you are taking a break for some other purpose, you must ensure that you have enough savings to last until you resume work.

Reflect your Choices while on a break: One thing that you also need to do is to ensure that you use this time out to think. If you are unsure about your professional choices or have not thought about how to go over things, make sure that you use this time to do so. The time off will also help you in being even better at your job and do things in the best possible manner.

Stay in Touch with your Profession: While you will be on an off during the career break, it is important for you to ensure that you stay abreast with whatever has been going on in your career field so that you are not far behind when you resume work. This will give you an edge among others and help you in finding your zen in the best possible way.

Please Note: You can visit the workshop on Building your Resume — The first step to Getting Back by Rajat Vashishta, Founder @ GetSetResumes on September 16, 2017 between 2–3 pm at MLR Convention Centre, Whitefield, Bengaluru

Source: The Ladders

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