Online Job Opportunities for People Over 50

Liz Miller
Published in
3 min readSep 2, 2020
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Diversify and Use Your Skills to Make Money Online

Times are tough with everything going on in the world, so learning how to monetize the many skills you have can help you to weather the storm. Coming up with a good side hustle is the business version of “not putting all your eggs in one basket.” Side hustles are opportunities to earn money online. This can be from one-off events, or ongoing sales, services, or other opportunities that come along. Usually, a side hustle won’t be enough to support you on its own, but it can in some cases develop into a larger business. Many times combining several different side hustles can help create a solid income stream or give you enough extra income when times are tough.

The important thing to remember with side hustles is that you get out of them what you put into them. Therefore, it is important to dedicate the time and effort it takes to develop the skills needed to excel at your side hustle. That can include researching success cases, taking classes to learn the skills, or joining communities of like-minded individuals to trade tips and tricks.

Here are 7 side hustles to consider adding to your ‘basket of eggs.’

  1. Teach Your Classes on Zoom: There are many people looking for tutors or classes on a variety of topics. Setting up your own business as a teacher on Zoom is a great way to do this. You can do this independently by marketing through your website and social media or by registering on platforms where freelance teachers promote their services like NextDoor or Wyzant.
  2. Be a Consultant: Use your abilities and skills to be an independent consultant in your area, whether that is creating content, business consulting, or another specific service. Learn how to market yourself on LinkedIn to get freelance opportunities and post your services in Fiverr and UpWork so people can find and hire you.
  3. Setup Your Own Online Store: Do you have a great product? Learn how to set up your own store to sell collectibles, arts and crafts you make, or other great products that you know have a market for sales. Having your own store cuts out the middleman and lets you manage your products and customer relations.
  4. Sell Services through your Websites: Use your personal website so you can market your services. Services like consulting, translating, writing, and other services can best be shown through great websites. Websites are a great way to highlight your persona to sell books and other products as well.
  5. Sell Arts and Crafts on Etsy: Are you an artist or designer? If you have crafts and art that you make, why not sell it on Etsy. Etsy specializes in artistic wares and is a great platform for you to sell your creations.
  6. User Testing — If you are tech-savvy consider being a user tester or mystery shopper. Sites like User Testing look for people to test new tools and products online and give feedback. While sites like Marketforce look for mystery shoppers to go out and perform tasks and provide honest reviews. Best of all both pay for your time and services.
  7. Become a Guide — There are many platforms to teach on depending on your market. If you are looking to teach your peers, GetSetup is always looking for Guides who are 50+ and want to teach their peers new skills. To learn more and see if you qualify click here.

Adding new and different side hustles can require a bit of soul searching. If you are feeling a bit lost on where to get started, consider taking a class on discovering your strengths and talents at 50+ in order to help you gain some perspective on the direction that best meets your needs.

If you need help to develop a new skill or a customized class to meet your needs in order to bring your side hustle to life consider GetSetup here to help!



Liz Miller

A passionate writer dedicated to her work with education, content creation, and making the world a better place!