5 Amazing Social Lead Generation Tactics

Hugo Monteiro
Inside GetSocial
Published in
4 min readSep 5, 2016

Social lead generation is becoming a hot topic in digital marketing.

Nowadays, consumers are a lot savvier about social media marketing than before. Instagram photo contests, Facebook giveaways, Twitter @Mentions, you name it.

To gain the trust of individuals, you need to think out of the box and be unique. Here, in this article, you’ll find five amazing and exciting social lead generating tactics that can help your business as well as give recognition to your brand.

But before you check out the steps, you must go through the basics of a social media game plan.

You must know:

  • Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)
  • What is a Call to Action (CTAs)
  • You target audiences
  • Your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

The Foundation of Social Lead Generation

Being aware of your social media game plan is the beginning of social media marketing. It is common to see the increase in the adoption of online marketing tactics. But most marketing experts feel that we are approaching a major evolution in how social media tactics are executed.

Social Media Strategies

Since many businesses are buying into the social paradigm, the quality and medium of the content can take a huge step forward.

Generating Leads From Social Media

How can you capitalize on the potential of social media for your lead generation efforts?

These tips will help you get more leads on social media platforms:

1) Creative Contests

If you want a quick way to expand your email list and increase your followers, then creative competitions are what you need.

What type of contest are you going to have? You can try for something which is creative as well as new. Plus, you can encourage users to like your page and even fill out forms to enter the contest. Such activities can boost the fan activities, and you can contact these fans through email for the next lead generating campaign.

Nowadays, smartphones have inbuilt gyroscopes, accelerometers, compasses and other impressive hardware which are created to find out the orientation data and capture motion. Now with such an ability to detect movements, it can be easy to run interactive campaigns like “shake and win”!

2) Quiz

Do you know that a successful social media quiz is always fun and interactive? Make sure to select a topic that appeals to the interest, feelings, and emotions of the audiences. Try to use images for your quiz.

Many of the popular quizzes that you come across on social media use a variety of impressive images. Pictures keep things relevant and exciting along with making you feel that the quiz is like a trivia game show.

You must keep things simple. It is important that you don’t bombard the audiences with tons and tons of questions. People today don’t have a lot of time. It is better if you keep the number of questions between 5 and 8.

3) Survey

Marketing is no longer about talking TO customers. It is all about communicating with them and finding out what and which content they are most interested in viewing. Newspapers, websites, and magazines display the power of surveys as consumers find them interesting as well as entertaining. And regardless of the medium, you’d still prefer answering questions related to yourself. Frankly, surveys work well on social media platforms.

There are various online survey generators. One of the most popular providers is SurveyMonkey which provides both paid and free versions. Also, there are other tools like SurveyPlanet, Google Forms and Typeform.

4) Gated Content

If you are a conversion-driven marketer, then you are always on the lookout for ways to improve the results of your lead generation campaigns. Gated content is created specifically for generating leads, whether it is filling out a survey, email address, or getting the name, company, email id and phone number of yours.

Before you get started on the next gated content campaign, try to remember these aspects such as creating good quality content and making the opt-in form short and sweet.

5) Social Ads

Placing ads on social media is not just flashing messages in front of your target audiences. It is all about engaging with customers and creating brand loyalty. iDigic published an infographic on social media for business in which it clearly shows the amount of influence and buzz social platforms create. Placing interesting and informative ads on social media sites help communicate with individuals all around the world.

Facebook ads can get you traffic and interactions while Twitter ads help your messages reach influencers. LinkedIn ads promote specific content and posts which establish you as one of the thought leaders in a niche. This helps communicate your ideas to the decision makers in specific roles for particular companies.

Social media advertising work in tandem with various other social lead generation strategies like contests and gated content. So, the combination of gated content along with targeted audiences makes social media ads one of the most effective steps in bringing qualified leads.

Irrespective of the size of the business you own, there are specific social media platforms available that caters to it. You can create awareness for your business while providing relevant and timely offers to customers.


Social lead generation is becoming more common every day. Plus, there has been tremendous changes in the recent years mainly due to the rise of social media. Experts feel that social media will continue to provide a solid foundation for social lead generation.

Author Bio: Susan Smith is a writer at iDigic who mostly handles content related to social media marketing and using the social media platform to leverage brand awareness.

