5 Great Instagram Highlights

João Romão
Inside GetSocial
Published in
3 min readJan 7, 2016

An image can be more powerful than words. With the click of a button, millions of people around the world will instantly view a photo that can make them laugh, think, and possibly encourage change. So it’s no wonder that Instagram is such a powerful tool and one that people love to use, given our near-obsession with pictures.

Whether it’s something silly, something funny, or something important, Instagram has shown that it’s the most powerful social sharing site. Here are five of its most important moments to date.

The Oscars Selfie

At the 2014 Oscars, host Ellen Degeneres decided to take advantage of the worldwide phenomenon that is ‘the selfie’ by gathering some of the most biggest names in Hollywood for a photo. It was a brilliant idea. With Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence, Meryl Streep, Julia Roberts, Brad Pitt and Kevin Spacey all getting involved, the success was guaranteed. No wonder it received 1.3 million likes on Instagram, becoming one of the most popular Instagram Highlights and launching the “selfie fever”.

A photo posted by Ellen (@theellenshow) on Mar 2, 2014, at 7:10pm PST

Richard Branson’s Inspirational Message

While many of the world’s most influential people will post selfies (which isn’t necessarily a bad thing), others choose to inspire in a somewhat different way. Richard Branson — one of the most successful men on the planet — uses his power to inspire, with posts such as this one: “To stand still today is to go backwards — and quickly.”

Cara Delevingne’s weird selfie

Cara Delevingne probably underestimated the power of a weird selfie. While most young models and actresses post photos of themselves looking as perfect as possible, Cara decided to show that making a weird face is just as fun, thus proving that celebrities can be normal too.

A photo posted by Cara Delevingne (@caradelevingne) on Dec 25, 2013, at 3:41pm PST

Barack Obama is on Instagram

If the President of the United States of America is on Instagram, you know it’s a big deal. Here’s a photo about the Obamas 21st anniversary.

A photo posted by Barack Obama (@barackobama) on Oct 3, 2013, at 5:31pm PDT

The breastfeeding photo that got a woman banned

Heather Bays got banned from Instagram after posting a photo of her breastfeeding her daughter. It wasn’t at all tasteless and unsurprisingly people were pretty furious about the whole thing. Thankfully, she won the battle and she was eventually reinstated.

A photo posted by Heather Bays (@heatherbays) on Jul 13, 2014, at 5:13pm PDT



João Romão
Inside GetSocial

Founder @ GetSocial.io , a content analytics & automation platform helping publishers & marketers measure, promote and amplify their best content.