Our New Virality Score is live

João Romão
Inside GetSocial
Published in
3 min readNov 17, 2016

Social isn’t getting any easier, we know.

For the last two years, we’ve been helping 130.000 websites improve their online presence. Our focus has been and will continue to be on making the most out of your content in social networks.

Earlier this year we launched GetSocial’s Virality Score. It was a measure of how your content was performing on each social channel it was shared on.

And we just launched a new, improved version of it.

Introducing Virality Score 2.0

The biggest (and most noticeable) change has to do with how we rank articles.

We now calculate content’s virality relative to each other. In every list of articles during a period of time, there will be one article with a score of 100. This represents the most viral article for the analyzed time frame.

Every other article is now ranked in relation to that best performing page.

We’ve also improved the way we weigh each article within your domain. This means we will give low values to articles with a small number of visits and referrals. For high-volume articles, we made sure their size doesn’t influence too much the virality score. That way we can protect your data from outliers, big or small.

At the end of the day, we wanted to design something that would be: (1) quick to understand, (2) easy to analyze, and (3) actionable.

Top-scoring articles are the ones with the highest ability to expand your audiences. They’re the ones that will drive more revenue by going viral in an organic way.

This way, you just have to sort your articles by Virality Score and post them on the social network they are getting the most engagement.


I’ve said it before but can’t help to repeat myself: “Tracking social by looking at the number of shares is about as useful as rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. “

Yet, this is what most marketers will go after when trying to measure their content’s performance. So I have a little challenge for you today. At a first glance, which of these articles seems to be the most viral?

*Disclaimer: Actual data from a customer. Anonymized for this post.

Common sense would point out the obvious, correct? Article 2 is our best shot: most visited, most shared. Classic social media.

Wrong. Let’s look past the obvious stuff.

*Disclaimer: Actual data from a customer. Anonymized for this post.

I’m sure it makes sense to you as well. Forget about #shares. What was the organic ability of this content to self-propagate on social? How is your audience reacting to it? How are their shares growing your business?

That’s where you need to focus. Once you know this, then it’s your time to make a move. Get the right post out, on the right channel, to the right audience. Sponsor the sh*t out of the best content you have. Don’t just look for virality. Generate it! Multiply it!

That’s why we do what we do. So you can absolutely nail what you do.

And be sure, while everyone is (and will be) struggling with social, you’ll be getting value from it like never before.



João Romão
Inside GetSocial

Founder @ GetSocial.io , a content analytics & automation platform helping publishers & marketers measure, promote and amplify their best content.