New Feature: Open and Secret Groups

Published in
1 min readJul 31, 2018

We’ve made an update. See what’s new

New Group Feature

Open Groups

Open groups can be used to recruit new players for your clash team or gaming community. They will be shown in the discover menu and everyone can apply to join.

Secret Groups

Secret groups are made for your friends to chat with or to figure out when to play next. Nobody can find the group or see it’s members.

Simply create your group and connect with players in seconds.

Gamers Like You — SoJ is a social app for gamers to find friends to play and stay connected for the computer game League of Legends. It’s free and works both on your desktop and phone.

Sign up and check it our here

Got feedback or a question? Send us a message on our Discord server.

Philipp & Sven, the developers

