Station Voyager: ready for take-off.

Station’s official blog
4 min readJul 25, 2017

We are proud to announce that after months of iteration and fine-tuning, Station is now stable, fully ready to get you cozy and productive at work.

From private Beta to a stable workstation

Meet your new workstation

3 months of private beta. 1,250 support tickets. Over 36,000 hours spent by our users on the app (4 years equivalent!). We are ready to present to you the newest shiny version: Station Voyager. It’s been designed to give you back the time you’ve been losing at work and keep you mentally sane in the process. Our Beta users have come in all flavors (CEOs, COOs, Customer Success Managers, Marketing Directors, Designers, Product Managers, etc.) so there is a good chance that what we’ve discovered and fixed here is also relevant to you.

Truth is we’ve been iterating pretty fast thanks to our amazing designers Didier and Meghan. In the last 6 months alone, we went through 3 major iterations of our design, step by step getting closer to the simplest and best possible experience.

New feature: Station goes multi-window

Probably the biggest challenge when trying to revolutionize the way people browse through work is that there are nearly as many ways of working as there are people. Billions. The key is to be able to cover all of those use cases without ending with some ugly interface. It’s well known, trying to please everyone, you often end up pleasing no one.

As we talked to our users, one feedback struck us: “I love Station because it gives a native app feel to my web applications. It’s not just some tab in my browser, it’s stable”. This inspired us to develop a brand new feature: detachable windows. Any window inside Station can now be detached from the original app and be used as a stand-alone so that you can either:

  • handle different applications across multiple screens (for the many of us who use more than one screen)
  • use two different applications side by side on the same screen

Whatever the case, Station Voyager now means you can master all your apps however you’d like.

Detaching applications on the go

Minor but impactful changes

You’ll also notice quite a few smaller changes with this new design. All of those address major comments that were made by you, our Beta users, over the last 3 months. Thus, the dock on the left is smaller to accommodate more applications and avoid scroll. Notification badges have been redesigned to make them less distracting in the interface. And the search functionality have been made more obvious on the top left of the screen. Those are all minor changes but we believe they will have quite an impact, saving you more time at work, bits by bits.

Discover the new Station

Station Voyager stays true to our original vision: that the way we get work done is broken and that we can give you hours of productivity back every week by crafting a workstation that fits our new ways of working. And with feedback from our first 150 users and 36,000 hours spent in the app, we’ve been able to take this further.

If you’re already a user of Station, simply go to Station -> Check for Updates, restart the app and the new Station Voyager will magically appear. If you aren’t already a Station user, it’s definitely time to join the pack, request your early access here:

Your feedbacks are priceless. Feel free to voice your opinion and send us your insights in the Station Pioneers Slack community or directly by reaching out to us at hello [at] getstation [dot] com

This story was cooked with the entire Station team (Alexandre Lacheze, Julien Berthomier, Joël Charles and Mathieu Débit). You can also read the story behind Station here.

If you liked this story, you might love working with us on Station. Don’t be shy: drop me an email at julien(at)getstation(dot)com and let’s chat! 🍺

