Your way of working belongs to the Stone Age

Station’s official blog
5 min readMay 16, 2017

You probably have a lot more in common than you think with the two people in the picture.

We spend nearly ⅓ of our life online to get work done. Writing emails, editing spreadsheets, looking through analytics data, taking minutes — most of the work we achieve each and every day takes place in our trusty old Chrome, Firefox or Safari (and if you are a digital hipster, Internet Explorer).

In fact browsers have become the new operating systems of the cloud. But truth be told, it’s like we’re still running Windows 95. Let me explain.

Your work is (more than ever) in the cloud

In 2008, less than 10% of all companies used cloud-based applications (or so-called SaaS — Software as a Service). And your browser looked pretty much like that.

We are in 2017, now over 75% of companies use web-based applications to get work done, and this is (still) what it looks like.

Except for the 50 tabs stacking up on top. It’s just astonishing to think so little has changed… Meanwhile we’ve invented 4G, the iPad, driverless cars and IBM Watson beat humans at a quiz show.

It comes out that traditional browsers have one obvious Achilles’ heel: when trying to please both the teenager slacking on Facebook late at night and the Marketing Director switching between 10 different applications, they can only truly satisfy one side.

Smartphones have become a lot more convenient than our laptops

During roughly the same timeframe, we’ve all witnessed the smartphone revolution.

Today with just one swipe, we can make a search in all our applications. We have a notification center keeping us up-to-date without having to check each application individually. We can start using an app with the flick of a finger without relying on our hectic mobile browser.

We’ve all become used to those simple yet powerful features of productivity. But isn’t it absurd that we can enjoy all of that on a device the size of our pocket yet we carry laptops that undoubtedly lag behind? Clearly, size doesn’t really matter.

Building the workstation of the future

At Station, we became convinced that most of us were just being complacent with the status quo. That because we don’t know better mean we settle for average. Henry Ford famously said: “If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.” And frankly, we don’t believe in building a slightly better browser.

Instead, we asked ourselves: what if we start from a blank page? What would our digital workspace look like if it was build with today’s work habits in mind?

Less than 6 months ago, our team tore down prejudices and old habits to start building the workstation of the future, one that an employee wouldn’t just have to use but would love using. After all, if you are to spend 90% of your working hours using one tool, wouldn’t you want it to be state of the art? We are crafting Station to augment your working self and give you super powers, think your Iron Man suit for the office.

The very first mockups of Station

Our vision is directly inspired by what getting work done actually means today. For instance, you spend most of your time in web applications, inherently we believe that your applications should be at the center of your workstation. You have to handle an ever increasing number of tasks, therefore we believe that you should be notified of anything that matters at one glance — but also have uninterrupted moments of focus without the fear of missing out. You also need to collaborate with a wide range of people in your company and you access a huge amount of data from many different sources (CRM, analytics, e-mails, cloud storage etc.), naturally we believe that you should be able to search for any of that information regardless of where it may be.

A first version of the future

We are designing Station with those very new patterns in mind, rethinking the entire backbone of your working environment so you can feel cozy at work while getting more done. We are convinced that the workstation of the future should genuinely adapt to you, learn from you and harmoniously merge with the way you get work done; not all the way around.

We are only at the start, but our mission is clear: to build the future of work.

Let’s build it together !

The first version of Station is already available today and we are looking for dedicated beta testers to join us on this moonshot. Pioneers who want to challenge the status quo and build with us a brand new way of getting work done !

Join us in building the workstation of the future.

PS: if you are a developer and want to join us building Station, contact us directly at

Station is a bold new project backed by the eFounders startup studio. Founded in 2011, eFounders has launched 9 SaaS companies among which: Mailjet, Textmaster, Mention, Front, Aircall, Spendesk, Forest, and Hivy.

