How COVID19 helped me re-focus on what’s important!

Namita Das
Published in
4 min readMay 11, 2020

This story is part of Humans of StressGuru series.

Humans of StressGuru is a blog series where we share the unique stories of each of us. Sharing your story gives you a chance to reflect on your life and accept yourself. Acceptance is the first step of healing. Sharing your story also heals others, empowering them to tell their own stories and open up to topics that have traditionally been full of shame and judgement. If you would like to share your story, please submit it at this form. Contact information of writers is kept confidential. Authors can submit their stories anonymously as well. Learn more about us at

Photo by Elena Taranenko on Unsplash

I have been working from home for almost two months now. Coronavirus took over the world and we have all been indoors. With limited outdoor options, I started to look for indoor options to keep me strong — both physically (body) and mentally (mind)! This is true metaphorically, since focusing on the inside is important, now more than ever, for each one of us. Here are some things that have become essential to me that keep me going.

Focusing on the inside

I truly believe that if you are not satisfied and content with yourself and your own life, you will not be able to contribute significantly to those around you. But with going to work and leading busy lives, this perspective gets lost. I had forgotten to center myself. Covid has given me a chance to re-focus on somethings that I have strived for during non-Covid times as well. I have now been able to make space for myself and take a moment to focus on myself and my home. Now, with life slowing down a bit, there is more time for me to focus on the inside. From spring cleaning, personal care to my family relationships. Now retreating inside has allowed me to re-center myself.

Appreciating the world out there

I’ve travelled a fair bit of the world, lived independently, and had a varied amount of experiences. But now I have a heightened appreciation for the outside. I appreciate nature more. I am also appreciative of the life outside my home like the small businesses & big businesses that I had access to. I am more in the moment and more mindful & aware of my place in the world as well as other living beings and things. With this new appreciation, I now thank my destiny, count my blessings and I am grateful.

Keeping up with physical activity

With the weather improving in the pacific northwest, walking outside is tempting. I look for off-peak hours (when the parks are not crowded) to step out for fresh air. Sculpture park is my favorite place to walk and sometimes the seals come out to see us humans and say hi. While staying in-doors is the goal, this is one thing I do outdoors to keep the endorphins going. For people like me who live in the city, in a small apartment, this is the best option to get fresh air.

Re-connecting with food

I work for a tech company that takes care of all my meals. The food they provide is de-li-ci-ous! Now, having a good variety of good food is a need I have to full-fill for myself. Cooking takes time and planning, and for it to be left to do during the week, with my busy weekday schedule, is not an option for me. So, I now resort to meal prepping. I have been experimenting with new recipes and learning to cook Sindhi dishes, which I miss eating at my parents’ house. It has been a great time to learn family receipes and practice them. Cooking more has given me a sense of control on what goes in my body & has started me joy.

Catching up on sleep

I’ve always loved a good night’s rest but with work, deadlines, managing home, work and time with friends, sleep starts taking a backseat! When I sleep just the right amount, I wake up with a smile! And with Covid, saving on the time to travel to work, I now get an extra hour of sleep. It’s doing wonders! Now, I wake up excited about the day. Sleep is a great way to recharge, start fresh. Be it a full night’s rest, a midday break or a power nap.

While Covid has brought in a lot of uncertainty and suffering for many, which saddens me, what keeps me sane is this sense of gratitude for life. Covid has given me a chance to refocus on my inside.

This story was written by Pritika, who is in her mid 30’s and is living in a DINK (double income no kids) family in Seattle. She is working for a large tech company and enjoys dancing and strives to stay healthy. Pritika grew up in New Delhi and has experienced living in Texas, Hyderabad, Beijing & Milan.

