Introducing Stretch

Stretch, for families
Stretch, for families
4 min readSep 29, 2016

Welcome to Stretch

Stretch is a new mobile application that radically simplifies sharing and organizing health, wealth, and other productivity information. The service is currently free to use. In January 2017 we’ll offer a Pro version with enhanced features and storage. Right now it runs on iOS (on an iPhone).

What is it?

Stretch is mobile application designed for a family, any shape or size, with or without kids, pets, or caregivers. Some families use it to manage their health, like chronic health conditions, their wealth (money, insurance, assets), and some “families” are roommates or young couples who like to share photos, receipts, contacts, and lists of things to buy.

Best of all, you can connect to other families (like grandparents), and form your Tribe.

What’s unique about Stretch?

  • It’s built for families
  • Everything flows through the Stream. Just like social apps we have a Stream that lets you comment, react, and catch up on everything that’s going on. It will blow your mind once everyone gets in the groove.
  • It’s comprehensive — share appointments, medications, files, notes, contacts, financials… you name it. Here’s a quick overview:
  • Privacy controls — each item can be shared with exactly the right people. No longer do you need 8 calendars, and send random things by email and text. Privacy controls let the adults keep the private stuff away from kids, and allow you to share the fun stuff with the grandparents.
  • Real-time chat about anything. What’s cool here is you have a record of what you discussed, what you decided, embedded in each item in the application.
  • Link items together like an organizational maestro! Why? Well, because after you add your house you’ll want to link the contacts (plumbers, electricians, cleaning service), files, insurance, notes, lists, you name it!

How do I get started?

Set yourself a simple goal. Add 5 or 6 items a day. We have a quick list below that might trigger a few ideas. Be sure to add your immediate family members and include their email address. If you forget their email address they won’t get invited to the family you set up.

One more idea. If you’re like us, we spend a lot of time dealing with pet-related things: vet appointments, medications, what food to buy, who walks the dogs (or rabbits, in my case). Add your pet(s). Add an appointment, even if it’s just a reminder to give Fido a nice warm bath. Create a contact with the vet’s contact information. You never know.

The whole goal here is to just start. Do it while you’re waiting on line, or having lunch, or have an idle moment before the movie starts.

Enjoy using Stretch. We have a few families who have used Stretch since early beta. They now have over 5,000 items in Stretch. It gives them peace of mind, makes them closer, and gives them more time just to enjoy each other.

PS. When another family member shares something tell them good job. We have a whole app for that.

Here’s the link to the App Store to download Stretch now.

