Online In-Memory Task Processing

Denis Shilkin
Gett Tech
Published in
10 min readJul 22, 2024

Online In-Memory Task Processing In Golang Applications

Use cases

In the world of web services we quite often need to perform some actions that don’t affect the API response but should be done eventually. We usually call them background tasks.

Imagine scenarios that after processing user requests you need to send an audit log entry or analytical event. These two are not part of our business logic so users shouldn’t be affected by slowness or even unavailability of these functionality. That’s why we might want to perform these actions asynchronously to user requests.

In this post I will be mostly focused on Golang implementations of various online background task engines. But you should know that there are other task models: persistent tasks, transactional tasks, batch jobs. I also use the words `task` and `job` interchangeably.

Online In-Memory Task Processing

From one hand this is the most simple and performant way of running background tasks since you don’t need any external storage to save them. On the other hand not all tasks may be performed this way since this model provides lower guarantee of task execution. Kubernetes may downscale your POD, AWS may interrupt your instance.

Typical Initial State

Let’s first define a scenario in which we may want to use background tasks.

type UserRepository interface {
Create(ctx context.Context, name, email string) (string, error)

type Analytics interface {
Send(ctx context.Context, message string, args ...string)

type UserService struct {
repo UserRepository
analytics Analytics

func (s *UserService) Create(ctx context.Context, name, email string) error {
// create user in the database
userID, _ := s.repo.Create(ctx, name, email)

// send analytics event synchronously
// if analytics works slowly then this auxiliary
// logic affects user creation business critical flow, "user created", userID)

return nil

We have a service that saves users in a repository and then emits analytical events. You may notice that sending analytical events is an auxiliary operation. With or without these events we still create users and operate normally.

Assume that analytical service is having some performance issues and its latency has increased. Now the auxiliary step affects our business flow since User Service’s clients notice the raise of latency and probably even see timeouts when creating a user.

We want to decouple our business critical and auxiliary parts of the system.

Naive Worker Pool

func (s *UserService) Create(ctx context.Context, name, email string) error {
// create user in the database
userID, _ := s.repo.Create(ctx, name, email)

// send analytics event asynchronously
// note that we disable context cancellation
// for this goroutine to avoid cascading context
// cancelling; prior to go1.21 you have to
// write your own un-canceling function
// this doesn't affect business critical flow
// but this creates potential goroutine leak if analytics
// works slowly or even hangs
go, "user created", userID)

return nil

Naive approach is not only naive. It is also wrong since it leads to goroutine and memory leak. We are responding to our clients normally but we have a bunch of goroutines that get stuck because of slowness in the analytical system.

This is a more or less standard pattern of the runtime metrics when leak is happening.

This goroutine leak to some extent may be mitigated by setting guard timeout for the analytics client but if requests are arriving faster than events are being sent then we still have goroutine leak.

func (s *UserService) Create(ctx context.Context, name, email string) error {
// create user in the database
userID, _ := s.repo.Create(ctx, name, email)

nonCancelableCtx := context.WithoutCancel(ctx)

go func() {
// we may set guard timeout,
// this mitigates goroutine leak, but we still spawn
// extra goroutine for each service request so under
// some workload we may still have problems
// in other words we don't control the number of running
// workers, clients do
timeoutCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(
500*time.Millisecond, // <-
defer cancel(), "user created", userID)

return nil

Simple Worker Pool

Simple worker pool implies that you have some limited number of goroutines that are running and processing your tasks. To limit the number of goroutines we will use semaphore based on the golang channel. I minimise the use of external libraries in these code snippets but you may consider using the

type UserService struct {
repo UserRepository
analytics Analytics

// poolC is a buffered channel for using as semaphore;
// buffer size is a semaphore max counter size.
poolC chan struct{}

func NewUserService(repo UserRepository, analytics Analytics) *UserService {
return &UserService {
// ...
poolC: make(chan struct{}, 100) // <- semaphore with counter 100

In this scenario you have predictable resource consumption for the cost of worker pool exhaustion.

func (s *UserService) Create(ctx context.Context, name, email string) error {
// create user in the database
userID, _ := s.repo.Create(ctx, name, email)

select {
// request timeout
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
// acquire worker
case s.poolC <- struct{}{}:
// release worker
defer func() { <-s.poolC }()
// if all workers are busy
// fallback to synchronous mode
// optionally we may fail here
// return errors.New("no workers available")

// no matter what the parent request timeout is
// we also set guard timeout here
timeoutCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 500*time.Millisecond)
defer cancel(), "user created", userID)

return nil

nonCancelableCtx := context.WithoutCancel(ctx)

// send analytics event asynchronously
go func() {
// don't forget about guard timeout
timeoutCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(
500*time.Millisecond, // <-
defer cancel(), "user created", userID)

return nil

Advanced Worker Pool

Simple worker pool makes resource consumption predictable but we have either pool exhaustion or higher latency. If we could queue our tasks then we could process them more reliably.

type Pool struct {
// taskC is a task queue
taskC chan func()

// NewPool creates worker pool of
// size goroutines running and ready
// to execute tasks.
func NewPool(size int) *Pool {
// buffered channel that works as a task queue
taskC := make(chan func(), size)

// run limited number of workers
for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
go func() {
// read from the task queue
for task := range taskC {
// execute the task

return &Pool{taskC: taskC}

We also need a method for enqueuing tasks.

// Task is public task function
// that receives task-scope context.
type Task func(taskCtx context.Context)

func (p *Pool) Enqueue(ctx context.Context, task Task) error {
// note that we make the task context non-cancellable
// to avoid cascading parent context cancellation
taskCtx := context.WithoutCancel(ctx)

select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
case p.taskC <- func() { task(taskCtx) }:
return nil

Task queue allows us to handle spikes.

Since we start all workers at NewPool we also need a way of stopping them.

// Stop stops all the workers.
func (p *Pool) Stop() {

All running workers will quit the for-loop automatically.

func (p *Pool) Enqueue(ctx context.Context, task Task) error {
// …
select {
// panics when taskC is closed
case p.taskC <- func() { task(taskCtx) }: // <- panics if taskC is closed
// …

Implementing a shutdown mechanism is a very important part of cloud applications since they can be stopped at any time. Applications need to be stopped in a right or “graceful” manner.

After calling Stop we have two issues:

  • Enqueue panics when taskC is closed
  • Our pool doesn’t wait for running tasks to finish

Stoppable Panic-Free Pool

Standard Golang library gives us a perfect and simple toolset for synchronisation and orchestration of goroutines. Let’s make use of it. We are adding three more fields into our pool structure: stopping flag, pool context and pool context cancel function.

type Pool struct {
// taskC is a task queue
taskC chan func()

// isStopping shows that the pool is stopping
isStopping atomic.Bool

// ctx is a pool context that signals that the pool is stopping
ctx context.Context

// cancel cancels pool context
cancel func()

func NewPool(size int) *Pool {
taskC := make(chan func(), size)

poolCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())

for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
go func() {
for {
select {
case task, ok := <-taskC:
// safety check (in contrast to range)
if !ok {

case <-poolCtx.Done():
// pool is stopping


return &Pool{
taskC: taskC,
ctx: poolCtx,
cancel: cancel,

Stop function now looks like this:

func (p *Pool) Stop() {
// set the stopping flag

// send a signal to those who waits

Note that to avoid panic we now don’t close taskC channel allowing some enqueuers to finish sending their tasks even after the Stop function being called.

Enqueue function now looks as follows:

type Task func(taskCtx context.Context)

func (p *Pool) Enqueue(ctx context.Context, task Task) error {
// do not allow enqueueing when pool is stopping
if p.isStopping.Load() {
return errors.New("pool is stopping")

// note that we make the task context non-cancellable
// to avoid cascading parent context cancellation
taskCtx := context.WithoutCancel(ctx)

// note that all in-flight Enqueue at this point may
// still send tasks to taskC because select operator
// does not determine the order of cases;
// we can think of the second select but this complicates
// the code and doesn't address the issue in full so let's
// treat it as an edge case
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
case <-p.ctx.Done():
return errors.New("pool is stopping")
case p.taskC <- func() { task(taskCtx) }:
return nil

Gracefully Stoppable Pool

Panic-free pool is still not gracefully stoppable because it doesn’t wait for running tasks to finish. Let’s leverage wait groups, one of the common ways of waiting for a set of goroutines.

type Pool struct {
taskC chan func()
isStopping atomic.Bool
ctx context.Context
cancel func()

// wg is a WaitGroup for waiting all workers to finish
wg *sync.WaitGroup // <-

Now we need to increment the wait group counter to make it equal to the number goroutines to wait.

func NewPool(size int) *Pool {
taskC := make(chan func(), size)
poolCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())

wg := sync.WaitGroup{} // <- 1

for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
wg.Add(1) // <- 2

go func() {
defer wg.Done() // <- 3

for {
select {
case task, ok := <-taskC:
// safety check
if !ok {

case <-poolCtx.Done():
// pool is stopping

return &Pool{
taskC: taskC,
ctx: poolCtx,
cancel: cancel,
wg: &wg, // <-

In the Stop function let’s simply wait for all goroutines to finish.

func (p *Pool) Stop() {



Wait a moment. What if some of the tasks hangs then the Stop function also hangs. Let’s handle this scenario by adding a stop waiting timeout.

// Stop stops all the workers and waits for them to finish for a certain time.
func (p *Pool) Stop(timeout time.Duration) error {


doneC := make(chan struct{})

go func() {
p.wg.Wait() // <- wait asynchronously

select {
case <-doneC:
return nil
case <-time.After(timeout):
return errors.New("stop timeout")

We may notice that all functions that we are calling after setting a stop flag are idempotent, thus the Stop function is also idempotent. So if someone mistakenly calls Stop function 10 times in a row nothing breaks. Let’s make the Stop function idempotent regardless of implementation:

func (p *Pool) Stop(timeout time.Duration) error {
// now we are quitting the function everytime
// if it has already being called
if !p.isStopping.CompareAndSwap(false, true) {
return nil

// …any other calls…


Now let’s look at the contract between the pool and its workers. Pool gives workers some time to finish their tasks but it doesn’t send a signal that it is about to stop. Let’s simply extend the task interface by one more parameter: pool context.

// Task is public Task interface
// that receives pool context for receiving
// stop signal from worker pool and task-scope
// context for everything else.
type Task func(poolCtx, taskCtx context.Context)

func (p *Pool) Enqueue(ctx context.Context, task Task) error {
if p.isStopping.Load() {
return errors.New("pool is stopping")

taskCtx := context.WithoutCancel(ctx)
poolCtx := p.ctx

select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
case <-p.ctx.Done():
return errors.New("pool is stopping")
// pass pool context to the task
case p.taskC <- func() { task(poolCtx, taskCtx) }:
return nil

Now this is a fair contract. No matter what task is doing it always has a chance to receive the pool stop signal:

err := pool.Enqueue(context.Background(), func(poolCtx, taskCtx context.Context) {
select {
case <-taskCtx.Done():
// task timed out or cancelled
case <-poolCtx.Done():
// pool is stopping

You might be thinking why not to utilise task context for multiplexing different signals. Golang doesn’t allow us to merge contexts. You can try to implement context merger yourself but I found that it is simpler just to extend the task interface.

Dynamic Worker Pool

Let’s try to make up some simple solution for creating a dynamic worker pool. This solution is way more complex so I provide it just for fun. The most curious of you may find it on my GitHub.

Other kinds of background tasks

There are also other kinds of background tasks for different scenarios. Please checkout on my GitHub.


In this post we reviewed online in-memory task processing. It has limited scope of application because of lower reliability compared to other kinds of task processing models. But it is relatively simple and performant. This is a tradeoff.

Important to note that we shouldn’t forget about observability. Something that works and fails in the background is not visible immediately. Work on monitoring your task engine. Start from logging and simple metric counters for executed and failed jobs. This is the only way to measure if in-memory task processing works for you or you need to switch to a persistent task engine.

All code examples may be found on my GitHub.

Thank you for reading.

