ThriveCart vs. PayKickstart — A Comprehensive Look at Two Popular Shopping Cart Platforms

Joe Fier
Published in
9 min readApr 8, 2017

Regardless of whether you sell physical or digital products online, there’s one thing you might not be thinking about often enough when it comes to your overall sales.

In fact, this thing could be causing you to lose sales without you even knowing about it.

Any guesses as to what that thing might be?

Well, if you guess shopping cart, then you’re correct!

Think about it. You spend countless hours and often times quite a few marketing dollars to get potential customers to your online store. But once they’ve reached that final destination, what happens next?

Even if your website is phenomenal with the best possible user experience, it’s all for nothing if your shopping cart is shoddy.

Because potential customers don’t like to have to deal with dysfunctional shopping carts — and if they have a poor experience with your shopping cart page, they’ll likely never come back again.

Which means a sale lost for you — and you’re not alone. It’s estimated that the average business or online shop loses approximately 40% or more of their sales due to non-optimized, dysfunctional shopping carts.

Thankfully, there’s a solution to this problem — ThriveCart.

A fully customizable, integrate-able and powerful shopping cart platform, ThriveCart is taking the market by storm and revolutionizing the way business owners and markers — just like you — sell their products online.

Now, of course, there are competitors out there with similar platforms. However, none can quite stand up to all that ThriveCart offers. And just to show you exactly how well ThriveCart stacks up against the competition, we’ve put together a quick side by side comparison with another of the industries top shopping cart platforms — PayKickstart.


Let’s get started!

The Common Denominators between ThriveCart and PayKickstart

As with any similar products in any industry, there’s going to be a bit of an overlap in features. For example, both ThriveCart and PayKickstart offer users:

  • The opportunity to create beautifully designed custom check out pages using professional templates.
  • Various payment gateway, membership and auto-responder integrations.
  • 1 click upsells using credit cards or PayPal.
  • Plus, much more!

However, there are also some key differences between the two shopping cart platforms — beginning with payment gateway methods.

ThriveCart is the ONLY Shopping Cart Platform Offering Apple Pay to Customers

Both ThriveCart and PayKickstart integrate with popular payment gateways like PayPal and Stripe (for credit cards) — however, ThriveCart is the only shopping cart platform currently on the market to offer Apple Pay.

Why is Apple Pay so great?

Because it allows your customers to make payments online with ease, directly from their mobile devices (which is where the majority of online purchases happen, anyway).

So, instead of having to manually type in credit card information or login to a PayPal account, customers can simply use their Apple Pay accounts to seamlessly make a purchase directly from your online store… in some cases with just a thumbprint — the purchasing process could not be simpler.

Plus, simply offering a larger variety of payment gateway options helps to boost credibility and generate more sales because you’re giving customers more options.

Automatic Digital Sales Tax Calculation Comes Included with ThriveCart

Calculating sales tax can be a real headache — and an expensive one at that.

While both ThriveCart and PayKickstart offer tax calculating services, ThriveCart is the only one that comes fully integrated with automatic digital sales tax calculations which change based on your customers’ location — and comes totally free.

Most other shopping cart platforms — PayKickstart included — offer tax calculating services through an integration with Taxamo, which ultimately costs you more money in hidden monthly fees.

But with ThriveCart, you get automatic tax calculations based on location, completely free and clear with your regular subscription.

Increase Your Profits Even More by Using ThriveCart’s Easy 1-Click Bump Offers

1-click upsells and downsells are one thing, but having the option to add 1-click bump offers is something entirely different — a game changer.

What’s a bump offer? It’s an easy to use, extra offer that can be added directly to your check out page in the form of a little eye-catching box, in order to encourage your customers to make an additional purchase at the point of sale.

And bump offers have been proven to convert highly and boost profits — in fact, a recent test has shown that customers who were offered a bump offer on the check out page purchased the offer 40% of the time. Depending on your offer, this boost in sales could add thousands of dollars to your overall profit.

And ThriveCart is the only shopping cart platform on the market to offer easy to use, high converting bump offers.

ThriveCart Offers an Affordable and Competitive One-Time Price for Subscribers

Another great thing about ThriveCart is that the pricing is both affordable and competitive — and — unlike PayKickstart — can be purchased via a flat rate fee instead of a set monthly price while in beta.

But let’s start with PayKickstart. Just to access the regular features of the platform, you’ll have to pay a fee of $99/month — and that’s not including the premium features that come standard with ThriveCart.

However, with ThriveCart, subscribers only have to pay a one-time fee of $595 to access all of the features that the platform has to offer while it’s still in beta.

That’s equal to about 5 months of service with PayKickstart, so by the time you hit month 6, you’ll already have started to save money… And it doesn’t factor in the extra monthly payment you will have to spend on Taxamo and additional monthly fees for additional premium features with PayKickstart.

Offers Integration with Multiple Memberships and Auto-Responders

One thing that’s extra great about ThriveCart is that it integrates with so many different membership and auto-responder services. Here’s a quick comparison of the integrations offered by both ThriveCart and PayKickstart:

Auto-Responder Integration:

  1. ThriveCart
  • Active Campaign
  • Aweber
  • ConvertKit
  • GetResponse
  • HubSpot
  • Infusionsoft
  • MailChimp
  • All Others — ThriveCart has the functionality to allow users to copy and paste form code from any other auto-responder service.
  • New direct integrations added almost every week.
  1. PayKickstart
  • Aweber
  • Constant Contact
  • MailChimp
  • GetResponse
  • Interspire
  • SendReach
  • iContact
  • infusionsoft
  • Active Campaign
  • OntraPort
  • Sendlane
  • ConvertKit
  • Maropost

Membership Integration:

  1. ThriveCart
  • Digital Action Pass
  • Member Mouse
  • Optimize Member
  • WishList Member
  • Kajabi
  • Teachable
  • Thinkific
  • ActiveMember
  • Membersonic
  • All Others — ThriveCart allows users to use expiring links with direct registration URL’s for any other membership integration.
  • Mew direct integrations being added almost every week.
  1. PayKickstart
  • WishList Member
  • aMember Pro
  • Digital Access Pass
  • Kajabi
  • S2Member

As you can see, both platforms offer a variety of different integrations, yet ThriveCart still remains on top.

ThriveCart’s Features Are Totally Customizable and Unique to Your Business Needs

Besides integrations, payment gateways and customizable offers, ThriveCart also offers a wide variety of different services and features that PayKickstart does not.

For one, ThriveCart subscribers have the option to completely customize their shopping carts with features such as:

  • Video Carts — Embed videos directly into your shopping cart page to help boost sales.
  • Countdown Timers — Let your customers know how long they have left on certain offers with an embeddable countdown timer.
  • Testimonials — Embed customer testimonials directly into your shopping cart page to help create more social proof for your products.

Additionally, ThriveCart is available in 5 different languages — English, Italian, French, Spanish and Dutch — and can be used to accept 16 different forms of currency. So if you’re building a global business, ThriveCart has all of the functionality you could possibly need in that regard. (More languages constantly being added)

Plus, with ThriveCart, you’re able to accept full or partial refunds on products, along with the ability to support multiple payment processors, memberships and auto-responders at the same time — something that the majority of shopping cart platforms, PayKickstart included, do not currently offer.

Comes Equipped with World Class Tech Support and Ongoing Feature Development

Last but not least, ThriveCart offers world class tech and customer support to all of it’s subscribers, all around the world.

In general, shopping cart platforms are notorious for having bad customer service and tech support, often taking days to get back to their customers and fix outstanding issues.

With ThriveCart, the customer comes first, and you can expect to have your questions answered in a matter of hours — not days.

I went on Facebook to find people talking about ThriveCart and quickly got sucked into a never-ending rabbit hole of ThriveCart love…

In addition to supreme customer service, ThriveCart is also constantly working to improve, evolve, and add new features to it’s already extensive line up. The platform is always growing, so, as a subscriber, you can expect to see new and improves features come out much more frequently than the other platforms, like PayKickstart.

And since they are always improving, your initial investment in the software will continuously be growing right along with the platform.

And with those statements, here’s even more Facebook love that I found:

There’s no denying the benefits and necessity of a well optimized digital shopping cart. Not only can it help to boost your sales, but you’ll gain even more repeat business as customers begin to trust your company and develop a sense of brand loyalty.

So, when you’re faced with decision of which shopping cart platform to use for your own online business, consider all of the facts — your business may just depend on this choice, and ThriveCart over delivers in all areas of comparison. Give it a try and see how quickly your own shopping cart begins to improve!



Joe Fier

Digital marketing experimenter and show & tell artist at Podcast co-host of the Hustle and Flowchart Podcast (you’ll laugh & earn more).