Thrivecart Vs. Zaxaa — Checkout Showdown

Joe Fier
Published in
8 min readApr 8, 2017

If you have an online business, chances are that you’re selling products online.

And if you’re selling products online, you need to have an effective way of doing so that not only boosts revenue but keeps customers happy and coming back for more.

In other words, when a customer clicks through to your online store and places a digital item in your online shopping cart, you want the experience to be simple, straightforward and flawless.

Because like it or not, if your shopping cart isn’t optimized properly, you are most likely losing 40% or more of your sales — simply because customers weren’t satisfied with your shopping cart experience.

The solution to this problem?

Integrating an online shopping cart platform — like ThriveCart — into your business model.

Now, there are a lot of different shopping carts out there, but they are not all created equal. Today, we’re going to take a look at the key difference between ThriveCart and one such competitor in the marketplace — Zaxaa.

Let’s get started!

What’s Great About Both ThriveCart and Zaxaa…

Before we get into the differences, it’s important to point out that both ThriveCart and Zaxaa offer a variety of similar features that are extremely beneficial in enhancing the overall shopping cart experience for customers.

For example, both ThriveCart and Zaxaa offer:

  • 1-Click Up-sells and Down-sells for boosting sales throughout the buyers journey.
  • 1-Click Bump Offers for boosting sales at checkout.
  • Retargeting to help grab the attention of potential customers who have yet to make a purchase.
  • Detailed tracking and analytics, as well as specific customizations to enhance user experience.

Both shopping cart platforms have a lot to offer — there’s no denying that. But let’s now take a look at some of the extra features offered exclusively through ThriveCart.

ThriveCart Allows You to Integrate Apple Pay for a Better Customer Experience

The more payment methods you can offer your customers; the better chance you’ll have of them making a purchase. Plus, offering multiple payment options — like PayPal and Stripe for credit cards — helps you to appear more trustworthy and professional.

But while most shopping cart platforms integrate with PayPal and Stripe, ThriveCart is the only platform to also integrate with Apple Pay.

This is extremely beneficial because it allows customers to easily make a purchase from their mobile devices — something that most people are doing now, anyways.

Instead of having to mess with PayPal logins or credit card numbers, customers can simply make a purchase with the touch of a finger.

The buyer experience really couldn’t get any easier than that.

If You Sell Physical and Digital Products, Then ThriveCart is for You

Another great feature of ThriveCart is its integration with Kunaki — a platform that allows users to shop physical products to customers.

This integration opens up a whole new set of doors that other shopping cart platforms simply cannot.

Because not all businesses only sell digital products — many need the shopping cart capability to sell and ship physical products directly to their customers.

So, whether you’re shipping just physical products — or a combination of digital and physical — ThriveCart has you covered.

Easily Calculate Digital Sales Tax for Customers with ThriveCart

Calculating tax rates for customers all across the country can be a bit of challenge — and if it’s not done correctly can cost you big time.

While both ThriveCart and Zaxaa offer tax calculating services, ThriveCart alone comes fully integrated with automatic sales tax calculations — all of which change automatically base on your customers’ location.

And the best part? With ThriveCart, this service comes absolutely free.

The majority of shopping cart platforms — like Zaxaa — use third part tax calculation services through integrations with companies such as Taxamo. And while this method does work, it typically comes with hidden monthly fees which can end up costing your business a lot of money over time.

With ThriveCart, you don’t have to worry about those hidden fees — digital tax calculation comes included with the service.

ThriveCart Allows You to Integrate with Countless Third Party Providers

A great online shopping cart allows you to integrate with a variety of third party providers, including auto-responders and membership services.

Zaxaa offers integration with some of providers, such as Aweber, GetResponse, MailChimp, and a few others — but ThriveCart offers integration with many more, including:

Autoresponders such as:

  • Active Campaign
  • Aweber
  • ConvertKit
  • GetResponse
  • HubSpot
  • Infusionsoft
  • Mailchimp
  • All Others — ThriveCart has the functionality to allow users to copy and paste form code from any other auto-responder service.

And Membership Services like:

  • Digital Action Pass
  • Member Mouse
  • Optimize Member
  • WishList Member
  • Kajabi through Zapier
  • Teachable through Zapier
  • Thinkific through Zapier
  • ActiveMember
  • Membersonic
  • All Others — ThriveCart allows users to use expiring links with direct registration URL’s for any other membership integration.

Both offer integrations with third party providers — ThriveCart just offers a bit more overall.

ThriveCart’s High Converting Checkout Pages Boost Overall Sales

Checkout pages are where customers make their final purchase decisions, so the more optimized that page can be, the better.

With ThriveCart, highly optimized checkout pages are easy to create and effective at boosting overall sales. Just a few of the features available on ThriveCart checkout pages include:

  • Video Integration — Embed a video directly into your checkout page to help provide that last push for customers to make a purchase.
  • Easy to Use Templates — You don’t have to know how to code to create a beautiful checkout page because ThriveCart offers a variety of highly optimized, easy to use templates.
  • Countdown Timers — Create a sense of urgency for your customers with a countdown timer directly on the page.
  • Testimonials — Place customer testimonials strategically on the checkout page to encourage more purchases via social proof.

And these are just some of the great features offered on ThriveCart checkout pages. You have the ability to really make these pages your own, all while optimizing them for the increased sales.

In fact, one of my personal reasons for no longer using Zaxaa myself (it’s the platform I switched from to use Thrivecart) is their checkout page designs… They aren’t very pretty and my conversion numbers were very poor…

Here’s a screenshot of one of the actual checkout pages I made:

Vs. a checkout page I made in Thrivecart:

Gain Access to World Class Support through ThriveCart

ThriveCart’s tech and customer support is second to none — offering world class support to subscribers all around the world.

Generally speaking, shopping cart platforms are notorious for having poor customer service and tech support — it can often take days for users to receive and answer to a question or request, something that just doesn’t work in the fast-paced world of online sales.

ThriveCart does things differently. As a customer, you always come first, and you can expect to have your questions answered in mere hours — not days.

Plus, with ThriveCart you can expect to see new features added regularly to it’s already extensive line up. The platform is constantly working to improve and evolve over time to better fit the needs of it’s customers, so you can expect everything to be kept up to date as time goes on.

Zaxaa is Overly Complicated — ThriveCart is Much Easier to Use Out of the Box

Probably the most noticeable — and important — difference between ThriveCart and Zaxaa is the ease of use that ThriveCart offers to it’s customers.

Zaxaa boasts a lot of great features, yes, but in a sense this can also be a bad thing. By offering too much and trying to do too may things, Zaxaa is actually rather confusing and quite complicated.

It can take a long time for users to figure out the system and how everything works — time that could have been spent generating sales through a working and functional shopping cart.

ThriveCart on the other hand is incredibly simple to use and there honestly isn’t much of a learning curve to getting everything up and running properly.

It’s literally the difference between creating a cart that looks “ok” in Zaxaa in about 3 hours or creating a cart that looks amazing in Thrivecart in under 15 minutes…

As a business owner of marketer, your time is going to be much better spent actually growing your business than spending countless hours trying to figure out a complicated online shopping cart platform. ThriveCart makes this whole process so much easier by being simple to use and extremely user friendly.

If you have an online business, a well designed, highly optimized online shopping cart is simply something that you are going to need to incorporate into your business model if you want to see increased growth over time.

Not only will this help you to gain more new customers, but also retain the ones you have as they continue to trust you and develop a sense of brand loyalty with your company.

Choosing the right shopping cart platform for your business can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. When you take everything into consideration, ThriveCart truly is a step ahead of the competition in both user experience and overall optimization for increased sales and revenue.

There really is not comparison. If you’re curious to see how ThriveCart could really help you to grow your business online, why not give it a try today? You’re going to love it!



Joe Fier

Digital marketing experimenter and show & tell artist at Podcast co-host of the Hustle and Flowchart Podcast (you’ll laugh & earn more).