Zapier Integration Comes To Thrivecart — And It’s Awesome!

Joe Fier
Published in
3 min readApr 8, 2017

Josh Bartlett and the team at Thrivecart just rolled out a new update as of today!

The update includes things like:

  • DRIP integration — Thrivecart now natively connects with your DRIP autoresponder account with all the tagging and awesomeness that you get with your other autoresponders.
  • Slack integration — You can have Thrivecart send sales notifications, refund notifications, etc. directly into your Slack account.
  • Custom upsell pages — You can now use your own upsell pages from tools like Clickfunnels or LeadPages instead of the built-in Thrivecart pages. This feature will warrant its own blog post soon.
  • Zapier integration — You can now connect directly into Zapier with Thrivecart and the possibilities are endless!

Let’s focus on the awesomeness of this Zapier upgrade for a second…

Here’s a quick rundown of the
Zapier integrations vs. other existing carts…

There are so many possibilities with this that my head is just spinning with ideas.

Check out what it looks like when you go to create a Zap in Zapier…

The initial triggers (a partial list because
I couldn’t fit them all in the screenshot):

And here are some of the additional
options after you pick your trigger:

Can you imagine everything you can do with this?

I posted on Facebook earlier with a few ideas of how we will use this in our business.

  1. Give people access to additional courses in Teachable if they use a specific coupon.
  2. Create automatic spreadsheets of customers specific to affiliates who can drive a lot of traffic.
  3. Test a single checkout page where the coupon determines the product they’re purchasing and send an automatic fulfillment message to my supplier with the product details (great for selling back issues of our EGP Letter)
  4. Send text messages to me when a new purchase is made with details of the purchase, coupon, and affiliate…
  5. Send a text or Slack message upon a recurring payment failure so we can followup with the customer.

If that’s not enough for you, here’s a screenshot I stole from Chris Moore of FUYOB (with permission) of some of the ways he’s already using this Zapier integration…

As you can see, you can add people into Kajabi, message them on Intercom, add them to a calendar for consulting, send them off to multiple autoresponder services at once, and much much more.

There are so many possibilities with this!

If you’re not on board with Thrivecart yet, don’t wait. Sign up today!

Also, keep an eye out for our Thrivecart / Zapier recipe list coming soon!



Joe Fier

Digital marketing experimenter and show & tell artist at Podcast co-host of the Hustle and Flowchart Podcast (you’ll laugh & earn more).