Backing Packing Alone?

Here’s How to Have a Kick-Ass Time

Rubey Cantey
Gettin’ Lost


Don’t Be An Asshole

The best way to travel is to keep an open mind and a closed mouth.

You Are Not Entitled To Anything

Consider the culture of the place you are visiting and adhere to it or stay home.Nobody cares if your used to eating dinner at 5:30 or require a 24/hr gym within walking distance. The point of traveling is to experience different places and people and to learn from them. Your way may not be the best way and you will most likely find that other people are doing it better. No amount of bitching at the owner of a restaurant in Granada will get you dinner before 9pm. Acting humble will take you a long way in travel

Take the Time to Learn Some Basic Phrases In the Native Language of Where Your Traveling

Learn how to say some basic phrases in the language of the country you’re visiting and you are guaranteed to make friends. Start yelling at people for not speaking English in Rome and you’ll find yourself in some bad situations. People will be elated at even a small amount of effort you have taken to learn their native tongue. Pronounce it wrong, sound like an idiot, and screw it up…but at least try. People won’t care if you make mistakes. They’ll only be appreciative of the effort.

Allow Yourself to Get Lost

Don’t be afraid when you’ve missed your train, lost your map, or are stuck wandering around looking for your hostel at 2:00am because you forgot to write down directions. This is when you’ll have the best experiences, meet the most interesting people, or witness the unexpected. Just go with it and stay calm. You’ll find your way as long as you appreciate the steps to get there.

