8-Step Guide to HR for Startups

We’ve launched a new resource: a really easy-to-use guide for startup founders to help you get your HR team up & running.

Sharné McDonald
Getting better, together.
3 min readOct 6, 2020


You’re just starting up your company’s HR team and you’ve got no clue where to begin?

We’re sure the first thing you did was head over to Google and searched for “HR for Startups” or “How do I set up an HR team”.

You would have found plenty of articles, checklists and a whole host of information which you are now sorting through and trying to read, all while keeping your business going.

Well, that’s why the Hi5 team thought it would be best for us to do all the hard work for you.

We’ve sifted through a mountain of information, and we created a really easy-to-use guide to help you get your HR team up & running.

Meet our collaborators

The 8-Step Guide to HR for Startups would not have been possible without the generous insight provided by our collaborators, who are HR professionals and OD specialists in their own right:

  • Amiya Sharma, Head of Wellness & Finance at CoGrammar
  • Bailey Kropman, Head of OD & Performance at Offerzen
  • John Mullins, Program Manager: Organisation Development at xneelo
  • Linda Roos, Group Head: Human Capital at ooba homeloans
  • Jono Harris (Formerly Customer Success Ranger at Hi5), Customer Service Team Manager at Amazon

About the HR Guide

Developing an HR team is challenging but having the ability to determine and outline your company culture from the ground up makes it an extremely rewarding experience. When you start entirely from scratch, you can help set the vision for your company and mold the company culture however you’d like.

Start at the top

Building a great company starts with developing and retaining top talent in leadership. But HR should also focus on hiring great leaders that are aligned with company values and HR strategies. Great leaders train new leaders and promote success within your growing startup.


Startups pivot and change quickly. Keep your HR department simple so it can keep up and match the maturity of the organization. There’s no need to complicate things.

This guide helps you answer important questions like:

  • ‍Why do I need an HR team?
  • What do I want my company to look like?
  • How can I ensure I find & retain the best employees for my company?
  • What software do I need to manage my team effectively?
  • What documentation do I need to set in place?
  • How do I grow my team & company culture?

By following the Guide to HR for Startups, you’ll be ready to jump in and start creating an HR team from the ground up.

While this task might seem daunting at first (and it is!), we’ll show you how to stay focused on small accomplishments in the beginning and allow your HR team to grow, follow through and gain the trust of your employees, managers, and leaders.

Download the Guide to HR for Startups👇



Sharné McDonald
Getting better, together.

Artist. Designer. Writer. Product Marketing Manager @giveahi5