Deck Chairs on the Titanic? Re-Imagining the Value of HR.

Ulrich Meyer-Höllings, Founder of LeftFieldLab, at DisruptHR Cape Town 1.3.2018

Getting better, together.
2 min readMar 23, 2018


Ulrich admits that the ‘robots are taking our jobs’-narrative bores him — machines have been taking over work done by humans for thousands of years! What excites him about the 4th Industrial Revolution, though, is the space it creates for alternative business models and creative work spaces.

With Singularity thinking becoming a global phenomenon and people becoming increasingly aware or even comfortable with the reality of AI and robots (real ones, like Sophie), it seems as though the world that Silicon Valley has dreamed up for us is becoming a reality. But, we don’t have to be subsumed into this dream!

We have a very unique opportunity as African HR professionals — with our special viewpoint of the world and our way of doing things, we tend more towards the business philosophy shared by [beautiful business] — a global trend in making business personal, beautiful and slow again.

Check out the full talk below 👇

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