What are Major Technology Trends for Small Businesses?

From medical advancements to the digitisation of the workplace, the world has undergone an unforeseeable transformation.

Getting better, together.
5 min readApr 4, 2022


Technology trends for small businesses | Hi5

First published on the Hi5 Blog

Every corner of the world has witnessed an exceptional blend into the new normal concept in the wake of technological advancement. This is also true of what the world has experienced in the last decade.

From medical advancements to the digitisation of the workplace, the world has undergone an unforeseeable transformation.

A major hindrance in the path of the modern workplace is the limited scope of personal interaction between the employer and the employee. Successful solutions to this problem are explored.

Considering the increasing trend in small businesses, we can see a number of ways to bring employees and clients together with interactive sessions. Several major technological trends for small businesses are discussed here.

Major Technological Trends

With its rapid usability, digital technology has replaced other possible uses of modernised goods. It is irreplaceable due to the ease of accessing the interface and its suitability for users and businesses of all kinds.

Putting employee engagement, brand recognition and public awareness at the top of their priority lists has worked wonders for small businesses.

Through flexible working hours, cost-effective implementation of business campaigns, and adoption of digital technologies, small businesses are well-positioned to succeed.

There are some leading aspects of engagement that need the attention of business enterprises. This will not only broaden the scope of business expansion, but also ensure success by ensuring the contribution of each individual within the business enterprise.

Some of the spheres of expansion in business include -

Corporate Gamification

The incorporation of games and amusement tasks for employees help them to become more engaged at work and learn simultaneously.

Gamification can also be added for smooth workflows with clients and team members.

Leaderboards, progress bars, milestones, badges, etc., can all encourage better collaboration and continued participation.

Generalising the Concept of Remote Work

Remote working is the act of performing your office duties away from your central workspace. While this might be an exciting challenge for you as an employee, but it might pose a more significant challenge to your employer.

While remote work complies with national and international labour policies and regulations, it still offers the novelty of a different work environment compared to the traditional office.

Online Engagement Games for Remote Workers

Changing over to work mode has already sparked some unprecedented changes in the working environment. To rekindle a lost enthusiasm for everyday work, online games can be a lifesaver!

Online engagement games can help cultivate a spirit of active participation for acquiring necessary skills and knowledge on the job.

Employees might simply enjoy the leaps on a game while simultaneously engaging in the rapid gathering of skills and aptitude.

When done in a fun way, the onboarding of new members becomes an integrated and less stressful experience. Some games might explore employees’ workspaces, engaging them in designing a better workspace at home and ultimately equipping them for higher productivity while working remotely.

Ways of Engaging Workers with Newer Trends

To obtain specific task-oriented results, startups require more flexibility from their employees. To build the reputation of the new company, startup employees have to be active and vested with equally crucial roles that need dedicated execution.

You need a few key ingredients in your startup to be successful:

Employee Engagement

Employees need to learn the importance of depending on each other within a given framework to make the most of the available resources.

Knowing and acknowledging the strengths and weaknesses of each team member helps the entire team to work more efficiently and transparently.

Explained Essentiality of Teamwork

The fruits of success have to be reaped evenly by all. Good teamwork means the proven success of hard work and dedication in combination with fast and accurate distribution of tasks.

A team that works together in this way would be more engaged and effective.

Cultivating Leadership Qualities

Every group requires a mentor or leader who would guide and enlighten the team to work efficiently, promoting optimism and collaboration.

If someone excels in their field of work and shows an aptitude for teaching and training others, should be considered for a leadership role. This would further promote efficient engagement through keen leadership qualities.

Improving the Mental Health of Each Worker

Mental health plays the most crucial role in facilitating an effective working environment. Employees’ mental health have to be looked after and taken well care of.

For some, as we know, staying back from the central office can trigger a diminished sense of belonging and scattered thinking. This can be managed through ensuring frequent interactive sessions with the team.

Awareness of Digital Goods

For any tech tool to work at their best at your company, it requires proper usage. Employees ought to be engaged in training programs where they can learn the new digital tools for both individual and organisational development.

Empathetic Approach

If any team members struggle to use new technology and frequently need help, it should be treated with an empathic approach.

There should be enough room for making mistakes without being too shy to ask someone else to help them improve. This would certainly bring in clarity in comprehension and workability.

Frequent Orientation of Digital Paths

Nothing takes place at the end of your finger. To be good at something requires frequent practice and “preaching”. Regular orientation to new digitised modes of working might bring in faster and improved learning for employees.


The roadblock in the path of digitisation at your startup is a narrow mindset and inflexibility to learn new things. The benefits of new tech outweigh the challenges of learning how to use it, so you shouldn’t shy away from implementing all the potential resources that you have access to.

About the author

Pooja Shah is a Content Writer at Financesage. It is a blog where I cover financial tips related website which is working towards investors to take better financial decisions and make the best choices while buying financial things and for better financial life.

