GM Igor’s Blunder-Busting Tips From the Remote Chess Academy
Plus 3 Masters’ bonus tips
I want confidence to enter the middlegame with some clue about what to do next. Most chess videos I came across proclaimed this common theme: forget about strategy and opening theory while you’re still blundering.
I blunder a LOT! It feels like that’s all I ever do. My coach told me that my biggest problem was missing one-move threats. Feel familiar?
While watching videos about avoiding blunders with the usual advice and checklists, I came across these five gems by GM Igor Smirnov of the Remote Chess Academy.
1st GM Gem — Don’t accept gambits unless you know the opening theory
ONE Main Reason Why You LOSE At Chess [And How To Prevent It]
Gambits were something I’ve always felt leery of. If the bait looks too good to be true, it’s probably a trap for the naive novice and best left alone. I’ve heard that beginning gamblers experience a winning streak that lures them to disaster. That’s what gambits are. They only benefit the one offering them.