Credit: Two Nerds and a Robot

Learning | Improvement

‘Chunky Chess’ is a Godsend for Beginners Who Hate Computers (and maybe kids*)

Chess lessons in a deck of cards

Published in
2 min readSep 16, 2022


*i meant it might also be perfect for kids, not chess beginners who may hate kids

Credit: Two Nerds and a Robot

The Good

It’s Easy to Grok

The philosophy of Chunky Chess is in the name. It teaches the player in bite-sized chunks of information. The first card covers Checks and Checkmates. That’s followed by Board Setup, Chess Notation, Bishop Movement, etc. All the cards are numbered, so the player knows exactly what order they’re supposed to be read.

There are a total of 18 green ‘The Basics’ cards, with a mix of rules and fairly easy chess puzzles. Later decks (there are three more) introduce the player to tactics, theory, and more advanced puzzles.

The Cards Are To-the-Point

The cards are made up of a simple graphical lesson on a chess board, along with context, tips, and flavor from King Chunky. The puzzles are marked with a big “P” in the upper right corner.



Getting Into Chess

Publisher and Chief Editor of The Ugly Monster and Getting Into Chess. News junkie. Music lover. Game fanatic. Anti-conservative. Societal disaster.