youngPAC endorses Agatha Bacelar for CA-12

The incumbent Nancy Pelosi has been San Francisco’s Representative since 1987. It’s time to elect a new generation.

Agatha Bacelar
Agatha for Congress | Getting Proximate
3 min readAug 16, 2019


I’m honored to have the endorsement of youngPAC!

Did you know that in 2018, the median age of U.S. congressional representatives reached an all-time high? At the same time, young people became the largest voting cohort in the country. Millennials seriously lag boomers as elected leaders; millennials today hold only 34% of the congressional seats that boomers did when they were our age. Millennials are one of the least represented demographic groups in Congress.


Young people today face unique challenges that our current legislators have failed to address. We need millennials in Congress who understand these struggles personally and will take action—urgently, now—to fix them.

I believe that all Americans, not just millennials, prioritize making Congress be more responsive to voters than to corporate money. As constituents, we’re asked to trust our entrenched, established status quo representative, Nancy Pelosi, to do the right thing — but she hasn’t. Our nation’s prevailing problems—the climate crisis, mass shootings and gun violence, increasingly unaffordable housing and healthcare—have worsened into crises under her watch. When the leadership of both the Democratic and Republican parties sides with corporations over workers and the environment, it is unsurprising that we’re in these straits. Big money, not voters, is ruling politics.

As long as representatives feel more accountable to corporate PACs than to voters, we will continue to face increasing environmental, social, and economic crises. Many of these disproportionately affect millennials. This is why it is integral for our future as young people to have political organizations like youngPAC, and why we need to start leading now.

youngPAC is an organization committed to electing young progressive candidates to office. In CA-12, they met with all the challengers in the district before choosing to endorse my campaign:

I have met with all of the progressive candidates challenging Nancy Pelosi, and I can say, without a doubt, that Agatha is the right choice. As the capital of the tech industry and the largest employer of millennials, San Francisco needs leadership that has a vision for technology’s role in society. Agatha understands very well the challenges facing the young people in the district who are growing increasingly frustrated with the inability of politicians to address their needs. We firmly believe that if elected, Agatha will fight for a better future for all young people. — Eric Oetker | Director, youngPAC

youngPAC’s endorsement of my campaign is its 4th congressional endorsement so far. By focusing on and elevating young progressive candidates who are ready to serve the plurality of their districts, youngPAC is an asset to making our democracy a truly representative one. Having young progressives that listen to people instead of corporations on the ballot gives voters the chance to say no to the status quo and yes to the future. It’s our time to lead!

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