Say This Before Bed to Have an Amazing Day Tomorrow

Use bedtime affirmations if you’re not a morning person

Jennifer Dunne
Getting Ready for the New Day
5 min readMay 18, 2021


Graphic by author. Photo by Victoria Borodinova from Pixabay.

Successful people from Steve Jobs to Barack Obama prioritized their morning routines. But for most of us, it’s a struggle to get up an hour earlier to do a morning routine. It’s hard enough to get up at the regular time!

Do you recognize yourself in any of these?

The late sleeper. You hit snooze on your alarm over and over, until you fly through your morning on an adrenaline rush. Somehow, out of breath and in a panic, you start work on time.

The zombie. You were up late and didn’t sleep well. Even though you got up on time, you feel like you’re still half-asleep. You can’t think until your first cup of coffee.

The whirlwind. You start every day with the best intention of taking some time for yourself. But there are so many things you need to do (or find) before you can head out the door.

The good news is, you don’t have to start with trying to squeeze a morning routine into your already busy morning. The answer lies in a suprising place.

Prepare yourself for the morning by saying a bedtime affirmation.

Change your relationship to your morning



Jennifer Dunne
Getting Ready for the New Day

I help visionaries create real change in the world. 90-day Vision to Reality™️ program. For the serious stuff visit