You need a product manager quote to live your life by

Pick one from this list and live by it

Robert Drury
Getting Started in Product
3 min readDec 4, 2020


I have to admit I love a quote.

You read it. Something clicks in your brain and you have a realization of a fundamental truth … and then you usually forget about it until the next time you read it.

That is NOT what quotes are supposed to be for.

They are supposed to be sage pieces of advice from which to live your life.

When Luke Skywalker says he doesn’t believe in the power of the force, Yoda’s response is “That is why you fail”.

Luke doesn’t then say “That’s nice” and then ignore the advice. He internalizes it and then uses it in order to master the force.

That’s what we’re supposed to do with quotes.

So take a scan down the quotes below and pick one that represents how you want to do product management.

Write it on a post it note and stick it to your screen.

Print it on a t-shirt and wear it every day.

Get it tattooed on your wrist (if that’s your thing!).

Just don’t read it once and forget it. Live it.

Or else “that is why you fail”

Photo by Jim Tegman on Unsplash

The role of a product…



Robert Drury
Getting Started in Product

Helping people kick start their product management career with product coaching, job application prep, & resources at