6 Dilbert strips about getting the new job of your dreams

The realities of finding the opportunity you’ve been looking for

Robert Drury
Getting Started in Product
3 min readApr 16, 2021


Dilbert, the comic strip all about business life by Scott Adams, was first published in 1989, meaning Dilbert has been suffering at the hands of his corporate bosses for over 30 years.

The genius of Adams’ work is the distillation of corporate life into (mostly) three small images, and he’s approached all aspects of organisational operations, include product.

Yes, Adams has had his controversies, but the realities of getting a new job still ring true.

If you’re job description really does say that you “try to do something and then I get interrupted a jillion times” then maybe product management really is the career for you!

These days, what we put out into the internet can have an impact on a future role you’ve not even thought of yet. looking for a job should not be considered an infrequent activity. Instead, you should consider regularly what footprint you’re leaving online and how you could be perceived by potential recruiters in the future.



Robert Drury
Getting Started in Product

Helping people kick start their product management career with product coaching, job application prep, & resources at gettingstartedinproduct.substack.com