Boosting Team Productivity with the Starfish Retrospective: A Comprehensive Guide

Starfish Retrospective: A Collaborative Approach to Continuous Improvement

İlayda Yağmur Derviş
Getting Started in Product
4 min readAug 4, 2023


In today’s fast-paced business landscape, optimizing team productivity and fostering continuous improvement are key factors for success. For Agile teams, retrospectives serve as essential feedback mechanisms to identify areas of growth and refine processes.

Among the various retrospective techniques, the “Starfish Retrospective” stands out as a highly effective and collaborative approach that enhances team communication and empowerment.

In this blog post, we will delve into the Starfish Retrospective, exploring its benefits, step-by-step implementation, and why it is crucial for your team’s productivity and overall success.

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Understanding the Elements of the Starfish Retrospective:

The Starfish Retrospective is a dynamic and versatile retrospective format designed to encourage active participation from all team members. It derives its name from the starfish’s five arms, which represent the five key areas evaluated during the retrospective session:

  • Start
  • Stop
  • Continue
  • More of
  • Less of

This technique, popularized by Patrick Kua, has gained traction among Agile teams due to its simplicity and effectiveness.

But, what do starfish’s five arms stand for?

  1. Start: Identify New Opportunities for Improvement

During the “Start” phase, the team focuses on brainstorming activities or practices that have not yet been implemented but could bring value to the upcoming sprint or project cycle. By encouraging open ideation, this phase allows teams to explore innovative solutions and opportunities for growth.

What motives you & your team? What makes you stronger and how? Bring ideas on the table and action.

  1. Stop: Eliminate Inefficiencies and Obstacles

In the “Stop” segment, team members bring attention to practices or processes that have proven ineffective or counterproductive during the previous sprint or project phase. The goal here is to identify and eliminate obstacles that hinder productivity and overall success.

What holds you & your team back? What lovers your productivity? Ask these questions and stop doing those things that make your team less productive.

  1. Continue: Reinforce Successful Practices

In the “Continue” category, the team reflects on the processes and practices that have proven successful and beneficial. Acknowledging these positive aspects reinforces the team’s efforts and ensures that successful practices become ingrained in their workflow.

It’s the things that energize the team, add value, and do what the team does well. For example, your dailies that make you communicate better might be in this category.

  1. More of: Amplify Successful Efforts

The “More of” phase addresses areas where the team has found success but believes they could benefit from an increase in implementation. This category encourages teams to amplify their efforts in areas that show promise, further boosting productivity.

These are the things the team would like to experience more. New technologies, frameworks, methods. Hey, maybe the Starfish Retrospective is the thing you should immediately implement to your process.

  1. Less of: Strike the Right Balance

Conversely, the “Less of” section delves into practices that have been useful but might need moderation to strike the right balance. This step ensures that the team avoids overdoing certain activities and redirects efforts to other important tasks.

These are methods, frameworks, technologies, etc that the team has already used, but that they do not see much benefit in the current situation. Maybe your old Retro method is in this category.

Conducting a Starfish Retrospective:

  1. Preparation: Set the Stage for Success

Before the retrospective meeting, the Scrum Master or Product Owner should gather materials such as a whiteboard, sticky notes, or an online collaboration tool. It’s essential to inform team members about the upcoming retrospective and its agenda to encourage active participation. If you’ve read my blog before, you know I love Invision, Miro, and Figma the most.

  1. Introduction: Explain the Process

Start the retrospective by introducing the purpose and structure of the Starfish Retrospective. Create a safe and open atmosphere for communication, emphasizing that all team members’ contributions are valuable and welcomed. It is very important for your teammates to know and feel comfortable that they are in an environment where they know they will never be judged. Like VERY IMPORTANT.

  1. Brainstorming: Encourage Idea Generation

Ask team members to silently brainstorm ideas for each of the five categories. Provide sticky notes or a digital platform for everyone to jot down their thoughts. This phase ensures that each team member’s perspectives are captured.

We all love colors, and sticky notes even if we work remotely. Make the process more fun.

  1. Grouping and Discussion: Promote Collaboration

After the brainstorming phase, group similar points together under their respective categories. Facilitate an open discussion, allowing team members to elaborate on their suggestions and exchange ideas.

  1. Action Items: Define and Assign Responsibilities

Following the discussion, identify actionable items that the team can implement in the next sprint or project phase. Assign responsibilities and set deadlines to ensure accountability and follow-through. Make decisions and don’t be afraid of new ideas, methods, and technologies. Product managers should be least afraid of innovation, ask Chat GPT for example challenges.

The Starfish Retrospective empowers teams to actively participate in the improvement process, leveraging their collective insights and experiences. By promoting open communication and focusing on specific areas for enhancement, this retrospective technique fosters continuous growth and success.

Whether your team is well-versed in Agile methodologies or just starting their Agile journey, the Starfish Retrospective proves to be an invaluable tool for enhancing team productivity and fostering a positive and efficient working environment.

Implement the Starfish Retrospective today and witness your team thrive and achieve new heights of success!

