Bull’s Eye Diagram | Prioritization Chart

What’s and When to Use it?

İlayda Yağmur Derviş
Getting Started in Product
2 min readMay 27, 2022


I’ve written about MoSCoW Prioritization Method before, and this is my 2nd story about prioritization. I’m trying to use various prioritization methodologies every time I’ve to make a prioritization. This time I’ve used Bull’s Eye Diagram to prioritize tasks to develop a mobile app with my team.

If you make a bad decision when you’re making decisions about your priorities, you & your team may struggle. And in Product Management, prioritizing everything is the most important thing. Once you make bad wrong priorities, it leads you to poor judgments.

Bull’s Eye Diagrams are especially useful when all the tasks seem equally important. If you have deep thoughts about your tasks, and they all seem like very important I think it’s time for Bull’s Eye to come to the stage. It’ll help you prioritize your tasks and focus on what is really important.

What is Bull’s Eye Diagram?

Bull’s Eye is a strategic template to focus on your tasks, and decide which ones are must-to-do by clarifying priorities before making decisions.

As the name says, the chart looks like an eye. Each concentric circle represents a different level of importance. The order of importance decreases from the inside out. So, this means the inner circle should include only top-priority tasks. Once, you fill the first circle with the most important tasks, this forces you to make clearer decisions to fill other circles with other tasks.

When to use Bull’s Eye Diagram?

If you’re going to make a critical decision or list your priorities to make a sprint plan you can use Bull’s Eye Diagram. When you are trying to make important decisions for good of your product gridlock may occur. This diagram can prevent possible confusion or gridlock while making prioritization.

I manage the mobile application development process in the company I work for. To prioritize the task for creating our next 3 sprints I’ve used this template.

Other areas you can use Bull’s Eye Diagram are;

  • Product Management
  • Project Management
  • Brainstorming
  • Feature prioritization
  • Strategy planning

How to Create your own Bull’s Eye Diagram?

  • Define your goal.
  • Make a list of tasks.
  • Start with the lowest priority tasks to the outermost circle. (I’ve made vice-versa)
  • Move into a smaller circle.

I used a ready-made template on Miro, but you can create your own Bull’s Eye Diagram. Also, you can find ready-made templates on Figma, Concept Board, Mural, or Invision.

Thanks for reading my story.

Take care,

