Three Simple Things To Do As A Recruiter To Improve Your Candidate Experience
Making a difference to yourself and your candidates
The recruitment process is tough for both recruiters and candidates so you would have thought that recruiters would jump at the chance of making everyone’s lives easier, but they don’t.
I think there are three simple things that recruiters can do that would immediately make everyone’s experience with the process better.
Be clear with the salary you’re offering
Recruiters complain about being inundated with too many applications to process, and that many of those applications are from unsuitable candidates.
One of the major reasons for unsuitable candidates is that candidates aren’t able to self-select or deselect if they can’t see the salary on offer.
If I’m earning $50,000 and the job role has no salary but describes the work I can do then I’ll apply, regardless of the fact that the actual salary is closer to $100,000 and the level of experience required is therefore greater.
If I know the salary is $100k and I’m on $50k then I know that I’m not going to be the person they’re looking for and I can select myself out of the process.