Installing Docker for MAC

Docker for MAC.

Today, I will show you how to install Docker in a MAC machine, let’s get started!.

Don’t know what Docker is? hurry up! and take a look at this post where I explain what Docker is and what it is used for, now let’s proceed:

  1. Go to Docker’s home page.
Docker’s Home Page (03/16/2019).

2. Hover over Products section on the menu bar.

Docker’s Desktop (03/16/2019).

3. Click on Docker Desktop.

Selecting OS (03/16/2019).

4. Click on Download for MAC.

5. Then a .dmg file will be downloaded, once you have it, open it, and the following dialog should appear.

Docker for MAC.

6. Now an installation wizard will show up, and then you must follow the traditional next-next-next convention.

7. Once this finishes you should be able to locate Docker by using the spotlight search on MAC, then you will see the whale icon on the taskbar where you’ll be able to manage Docker.

8. To finish, let’s verify Docker is correctly installed.

9. Open the command console of your preference.

10. write: docker

11. then write: docker --version

This commands will show you all commands available for Docker and your current Docker’s version.

CONGRATULATIONS! This, is the very beginning of your process to simplify the development of your apps, I hope you can find in this tool the way to improve your developing experience, Be creative, be graphical, have fun, and keep coding! see you soon!.

