Using your prototypes with Field Guide

Getting started with User Research
2 min readMay 1, 2015

One of the biggest pains in running user research is getting a view of what is happening on your participant’s screen. There have been a number of hacked together solutions to address this — laptop hugging, webcam rigs that sit above the participant’s device, or standing over the participant’s shoulder.

You can use Field Guide to see exactly what a participant is doing, without the awkwardness or extra gear. Download the Field Guide app (iOS-only for now) on your testing device.

If you are testing remotely, inform the test participant to download the app ahead of time.

Using a responsive/mobile website

This is straightforward, just paste any URL for a responsive or mobile website when you create a project, and you are good to go.

Using an Invision prototype

When you generate a share link in InVision, click on “more options”, then turn off “Force ‘Add to homescreen’”. It should work correctly after that.

Using a Framer.js prototype

Easy! In the newest version of Framer Studio (1.9.7) you can just hit the Share button in the top right of the application widow. This should generate a URL for you and automatically open it in your default browser, simply copy that URL and paste it into the Prototype input when creating a Project.

Using a Marvel prototype

No problem — just copy the URL that Marvel provides and paste it into the Prototype input when creating a Project.

Enjoy no longer awkwardly standing over a participants shoulder to watch how they interact with your sites and prototypes!

Get your team started running user research — sign up for Field Guide

