Day 25: Beyond fundamentals

Nick Ang
getting technical
Published in
4 min readJul 25, 2016

What do non-techies like me think when we see ads that say “Become a programmer in less than 4 weeks!”?

I think Google has been actively serving me ads that they think I want to see lately. Over the last two to three weeks I’ve been bombarded with Web Development ads from all directions on news sites, Youtube, blogs, etc. It’s quite amazing to realise how much the web now resembles the real world with its billboards and bus stop posters and all.

OMG, this is it! I’m finally gonna learn to code…

This is not the first time ads like these have been served to me. I’ve had multiple start-stops with programming. July this year has been my most sustained inquiry into programming ever, so I suppose it shouldn’t be surprising that Google has sniffed my newfound zeal towards technicality.

That said, these ads are the first ones I found oddly humorous. It’s not the ad creators that’s making them look funny to me though — it’s me.

Wishful thinking

Before I started on my ‘sabbatical’ from the startup world (because I couldn’t execute on my product idea myself, and I really wanted to do it on my own and still do), I would look at these ads that occasionally appear following moments of yearning to be more technical (and revealing those thoughts on Google search) and think, “Hey, maybe this is just what I need… their teaching content should be good, otherwise they wouldn’t have the budget to constantly be advertising. All I need is to pay and put in some time and effort, and I’ll be proficient in writing simple programmes in weeks!

Now, cognisant of the commitment required to become proficient at one programming language, I sometimes laugh at myself for that kind of wishful thinking.

No, paying a company for a course will not magically make you programming literate. Diligence in constantly learning, questioning, and practising will. The latter is what I think I’ve been doing for the last 3 months and I’ve experienced palpable improvements in the way I think about problems, approach a file with code (not grammatically sound sentences), and how I view computer programmes everywhere, but it didn’t involve paying anyone anything.

This is not to say that paying to enrol in a proper education on computer programming is silly. I’m saying that the wishful thinking that tossing out cash means half the journey is complete, is.

If you are just starting your journey towards becoming technical, I highly recommend dipping your toes and getting your legs wet on one of the many reliable and free code schools available online. This is 2016 — the internet is the de facto starting point for learning to code, for free. (I can recommend Codecademy and Free Code Camp, both of which I’ve used to get to where I am right now.)

Once reading and writing code (in one language) starts to feel familiar, then, and only then, think about paying anyone anything to learn more.

Placing paid courses in one’s learning journey

I believe paid courses have their place. Learning online equips students with the fundamentals: language syntax, structure, background processes, conventions and best practices, and such. Attending a course is meant to go beyond that. If it doesn’t, stay away from that course provider as you’re likely much better off learning online by yourself.

An example. I’m currently enrolled in General Assembly’s ‘Web Development Immersive’ course. I am told that it is going to be a rigorous three-month programme designed to help me become an employable web developer by the end. I’ll be starting in mid-August, and I look forward to it with eager anticipation. (Think little boy receiving a drone level of excitement.)

But how will any course achieve that lofty goal of a career switch (or to become proficient enough to build products for your startup, as they tout) in just three months? Surely the instructors will impart more than hard knowledge about what methods can be used to achieve what ends, or what little tricks can be used to achieve them quicker.

A good course provider will go beyond that. Way beyond. How else will graduates be employable in such a short time?

I’m looking forward to (expecting may be a better word) many things from the GA course that I’d never expect to gain from an online course, be it free or not:

  • Direct and immediate guidance on understanding concepts and getting through impasses, from one of a small pool of instructors.
  • Getting feedback from instructors who will read your code. (This is a big one because nobody owes you anything on free communities. Paying money produces the opposite dynamic.)
  • Anecdotes on what it’s like to be a web developer in a startup, MNC, and/or as a freelancer (depends largely on the history of the instructors), and how to get to your goals by playing the game smartly.
  • Getting the scoop on the best places to work as a web developer that are not typically publicly shared.
  • Referrals to work at said places.
  • Peer and teacher-student pressure to catalyse the learning process.
  • A substantial network of technical people to tap on after graduating. Maybe someone decides to start a company…

That’s a rather long and meaningful list. This is what I expect of a paid course. Judging by the reviews of GA I’ve found online and from friends who are alumni, I don’t think I will be let down. I hope not.

This post is part of my 30-day commitment to write about my journey learning technical stuff.

Posts can be found on the Medium publication, Getting Technical.



Nick Ang
getting technical

Software Engineer. Dad, rock climber, writer, something something. Big on learning everyday.