Are you living “on purpose?”


So many folks that I talk to are not feeling engaged in their lives through their work or any other part, for that matter. I have come to believe that for many of us life needs to be lived from the soul to feel like it’s engaging and meaningful; this takes intentional and creative design work.

In other words, just making money to buy more stuff or do more of the same is not enough. To live for the next ball game or trip is not going to do the trick. There has to be more. But what? And how do we find it?

It is apparent to me that one of the first steps to discovering your next season of purpose is to be prayerfully observant and open. It is going to take time and diligence to become aware of that which is lying dormant within you. It is a process that will bring surprise that need to be recognized as new direction and people who will guide and support.

For me, there has always been another person that has joined me in the new creation. Without their accountability, support, and encouragement, there would be no manifestation. This was true with my first book, Becoming Fully Alive, as my friend Carol Mathews met with me for months, painstakingly holding my feet to the fire until I finished the program. And my wife, Julia, edited and proofread — cleaning up all of my grammatical errors. It was true when I began my talk radio show as Vicki Adams helped me produce and promote the show — even from the first week when we came up with the format. It was true when I wanted to build a new office building and my friend Terry Donovan joined me in partnering up to buy land and design what now is a beautiful building in midtown Tulsa. Most recently I have been joined by my colleague and friend, Dr. Sid Lawler, in writing my latest book on healthy spirituality due to come out this winter; without her, there would be nothing to show as I would not have anything organized enough to publish.

So stay open; be diligent to seek, and watch for who will pro-create in your next season of meaningful and soulful living. It’s the only way to go! Join us in living a bigger and more contributing life!

