Open your Source

The benefits to unleash.

Live Long and Prosper


The reasons you should not consider open sourcing your work:

The reasons you should consider open sourcing your work:

  1. It is social.
    Priceless to see friends not yet involved jump in, speak up and contribute.
  2. It makes the code better.
    Many eyes make all bugs shallow”, Linus’ law.
  3. It improves discipline.
    People out there are watching.
    Set the bar high. Do your homework.
  4. It reduces code duplication.
    One can code up something many people would be thankful for.
    Strive to become that one. Do your research.
  5. It helps making sure you are at the right place.
    Those who do not support you open sourcing parts of your work are not the ones to hang out with.
  6. It makes the project better.
    Most projects use open source. Best meals are the ones cooked at home.
  7. It benefits the company.
    By making it much more attractive. Think presenting. Think recruiting.
  8. It boosts personal growth.
    Code written to be open source is better suited for long-term use and support.
    Jim Collins said: “… it is no harder to build something great than to build something good”.
  9. It pays well.
    The dividends of what can be carried all the way are superior compared to the dividends of what has to be left behind.
  10. It is fun.
    “Here is what I am doing” is better than “I am working on some parts of a product soon to be released”.

Final score? 10:0 for open source!

Make the right call.

