5 Ways to Improve Every Aspect of Your Website’s User Experience with Live Screen Viewing

Brian Carter
Published in
4 min readMar 25, 2018

Make better decisions using real-time data from website visitor’s interactions.

In today’s world, consumers expect a great user experience along with quick customer support. Simply said, the companies that provide this level of experience with their website are those who thrive.

In order to create the type of website experience that gets people excited about your brand, you must first understand your visitors. This is done by analyzing their interactions and making smarter, data-driven decisions.

How can live screen viewing help you provide the ultimate customer experience?

Live screen viewing allows your team to better understand many aspects of your organization’s website and its visitors. This data enables your team to create a dialect that gives you an edge on any competitor.

Popular and powerful tools such as Google Analytics and screen recording platforms only provide retroactive data and metrics such as clicks, page bounce rates, and a visitors time on a page.

While there is a great deal of importance in analyzing this information, there is still a shortcoming in understanding website visitors — the ability to immediately engage with the user based on an understanding of their needs.

Think about the following questions:

  • What are users searching for on your website?
  • What do they think of your service, product or website?
  • What information is missing or could make the buying decision easier?
  • What is stopping visitors from making a purchase or converting?
  • Where bugs are stopping users from completing an action?

1. Support visitors quicker

No need for an extensive description about where your visitors are having trouble deciding in product options, or how they don’t know what information to enter into a form. Live screen viewing allows your team to guide immediately identify where the user is having trouble. They can then guide the user through the process to complete their action in real-time.

2. Solve bugs faster

Live screen viewing enables your support and tech team to quickly find bugs without extensive support tickets and guessing games. That’s right; no need for screenshots and the endless back and forth.

3. Discover Visitors Journey

There is no better way to see a visitor’s journey through your website than by watching them in real-time. Learn how a user navigates through your website and what content they stop at along the way.

4. User Experience Analysis and Improvement

Live screen viewing allows your organization to see your user’s screen, mouse movements, and clicks like they are right in front of you. This allows you to understand what makes them behave the way they do.

Users typically “hover” with their mouse to what is drawing their attention. In fact, many users read with their mouse. This type of data allows your team to discover both hot and dead-zones. Giving your organization the data needed to optimize your website for your user.

Then, you can improve the user interface, content and design to lay things out in a way that makes better sense to users.

5. Improve cart abandonment

Easily engage in conversation with users who appear to be stuck in the buying process. Since you are now able to see when and where someone is stuck, you can ask important questions to guide the user to a purchase.

Real-time data with live screen viewing allows your team to analyze the website visitor’s behaviors, analyze bugs, engage in sales conversations, improve the user experience, and support customers by stepping in providing the help needed.

Wrinkle is an always-ready screen viewing and live chat support app made to run on your website, not your user’s computer. See your user’s interactions in real time. No more guessing and no more tedious back and forth conversations.

Many industries can take advantage of live screen viewing, here’s just a few:

  • eCommerce
  • SaaS provides
  • Help Desk
  • Internal Support
  • Websites with Live Data/Analytics — Marketing Software
  • Federal/Government
  • Web hosting companies
  • Airlines
  • Medical professionals
  • Any other business that seeks a better experience for their website visitors

Ready to enable your sales, marketing, customer support and management teams to make better decisions?

For more information or to sign up, go to our website and start getting to know your website visitors.

