The Future of Sales and Customer Service Using Live Chat

Brian Carter
Published in
2 min readMar 16, 2018

Sales, customer service, user trends, data analysis and more, live chat offers infinite possibilities for any organization.

Customer service has evolved into a world where consumers demand immediate attention and will abandon a purchase if they do not receive it.

Statistics from Forrester show that 55% of U.S. online adults are likely to abandon their online purchase if they can’t find a quick answer to their question. Additionally, 77% say that valuing their time is the most important thing a company can do.

Live chat software was created to meet these exact needs. Third-party software platforms have allowed businesses to engage in excellent customer support, giving them the quickest opportunity to talk to website visitors.

What are the key benefits in using live chat?

Prior to live chat, a website visitor would need to use a contact form, email or telephone number to have their questions answered. This resulted in delayed responses, visitors being placed on hold, and quite often, no responses at all. Live chat software gives operators an opportunity to provide answers as soon as a chat is initiated.

“70% of buying experiences are based on how the customer feels they are being treated.”*

Sales Growth

Consumers are becoming more aware of how easy it is to find a similar products or services if their needs are not met. That means that the customer experience and journey must be at top of mind.

Sales representatives need to quickly guide a potential customer by answering any they have questions. This minimizes any disruption in the shopping experience and ultimately, increasing sales.

Reducing the cost of employee time

Live chat also saves organizations money by limiting the amount of time an employee would typically spend when responding to a form or answering questions on a phone call. Employees are able to focus on other tasks, and when needed, can answers the questions of a customer.

What’s next for live chat?

Meet Wrinkle, an always-ready screen viewing and live chat application made to run on your website, not your user’s computer.

With always-ready screen viewing, this live chat app installs easily on your website, and is free from the need to download any supplemental software. Taking live chat to the next level, Wrinkle lets you see your user’s interactions in real time. No more guessing and no more tedious back and forth conversations.

Understand where your users are getting hung up in the purchasing process so that you can engage in a precise way. Additionally, you can provide premium customer service by knowing what issues your visitors are having.

Ready to gain an edge on your competition and create a better experience for your visitors? Visit us HERE.

*Statistics found HERE.

