2 Unmistakable Signs That Your Mindset is Sabotaging Your Success

Kristina Tomic
Published in
2 min readOct 30, 2017

Not everyone is successful. Yet not everyone knows, that anyone can be. More often than not people are actually stuck where they are because they genuinely believe there is nothing they can do about it. They believe that their life is what it is, so they either give in, or they argue with the situation, mostly in their mind — but rarely with their actions.

If you’ve ever seen an interview where a person tells their ‚rags-to-riches‘ story, you’ve probably noticed one thing. From early on, they believed that they hold the power to design their life anyway they want. So they did. They believed that they have something to give to the world, contribute with a solution or a service, so they did. They believed they matter — and today they do.

Becoming successful can be extremerly hard, yet also very easy — it all depends how you imagine it will be in your mind. Our mind can often react to obstacles by telling us to stay in our comfort zone, where we feel safe. It protects us from risks but more often than not, it limits us. It protects us from the unknown — yet does not allow us to know more. And what kind of life is it when we never go beyond what we already know? Here are the two unmistakable signs that your mindset is not only limiting your success — but also sabotaging you from the get go:

  1. You think you’re not good enough

Successful people are successful because of exactly the opposite — they never think they aren’t good enough! If you tend to naturally think that you don’t have the right, nor are you good enough to ask, hope or want to achieve something extraordinary — this is self-sabotaging right here. Don’t think greatness is reserved for „someone else“. We are all born to be great — but we have to make it happen, it doesn’t happen to us.

2. You can’t survive failure

So, you’re afraid to fail. Aren’t we all? Failure is completely normal, and you are not a failure if you happen to experience it. There is no person on this planet that never failed at something. No one was born an expert, neither are you. The sooner you accept this, the sooner you’ll stop beating yourself up for not already knowing everything.

Even America’s greatest inventor, Thomas E. Edison, failed more times than he could count, yet still he said :

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10.000 ways that won’t work”.

Do you notice how he perceives failure? Not like the end of the world — but a lesson and motivation to push himself untik he succeeds.

He believed in his greatness — so greatness he achieved.

