The difference between entrepreneurs and bureaucrats

Kristina Tomic
Published in
3 min readJul 17, 2017

“Bureaucracy destroys initiative. There is little that bureaucrats hate more than innovation, especially innovation that produces better results than the old routines.”
― Frank Herbert

Less paper, more freedom.

Bureaucracy is everywhere. And unfortunately, impossible to avoid, because in most of the countries, it is part of the law. Most governmental organizations are known for their overly bureaucratic procedures (health, education etc). So if you are an entrepreneur, implementing necessary processes and procedures into your business to allow you to scale your business while keeping a culture that encourages entrepreneurial spirit, flexibility, and adaptability can be a big challenge.

Thus, it is very important to keep a healthy balance right from the beginning of your business, to make sure you don’t fall into the bureaucratic dead-end.

Better and closer communication with your employees

Instead of having only weekly briefings and boring meetings where goals and planning is discussed, make sure you arrange one-on-one meetings as well, and always be open and welcoming to new ideas. One-on-one meetings are very important to make sure each employee is aligned with your own vision for the company and will give a sense that you are all one team, and that what each does really matters on a big scale. It’s also a way you resolve issues or personal matters one would not mention in a group meeting. Bureaucracy does just the opposite, where the top management is put on a throne and there is only one-way communication: from the top down.

Flat organization — delayering within the company

It has been shown that flat and simple organizations often have better performance than the complexed ones. Title in the company can be useful, but can also make things worse, as it sometimes make others feel less important than others. When each employee feels appreciated and as equally important as their colleague, they are more likely to put their best effort into each task. In the end, if your company does not have thousands of employees, a flat organization is the only one you should be having. Stay close to your employees, and they will stay close to your goals and company’s mission.

Encourage individual engagement, creativity and accountability

The problem with bureaucracy is that each job description is defined strictly, and that often makes employees fall into routine, doing always the same thing and not a thing more that they are expected to. They then tend to limit their responsibility for things they are not “paid to do” and they lose their creativity that could help the company perform even better. By supporting a positive feedback on failures and encouraging individuals, you are getting access to a unique resource such as innovative thinking and new ideas! Moreover, by making each individual accountable for their work makes sure that the job is done with attention to detail and accuracy.

Always remember what makes an entrepreneur — thinking outside the box, being flexible and NOT being afraid of change! Lead your company in the same entrepreneurial spirit, encourage them and try not to limit them too much — and your business will flourish!

Tell me about what YOU think the biggest enemy of entrepreneurship is in the comments bellow!

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