Why positive thinking alone will not change your life

Kristina Tomic
Published in
2 min readNov 27, 2017

What is the first thought that comes to your mind in the morning? How hard is it to have a positive thought? Especially when your mind puts down every positive thought, making them feel unnatural. Do you ever find yourself forcing yourself to smile or be cheerful? Or wondering whether the idea that “life is wonderful journey” is just nonsense?

If you are laughing now, you have been there. We all have, and here’s the trick — what you believe will always be stronger than what you think in the moment.

Because, when you believe that you are beautiful, one bad hair day or one spot on your face (even though causing negative thoughts) will not be stronger than your general belief that you are beautiful! The same goes for the opposite. When you believe that you are ugly, no amount of exercise, nice clothes or perfect skin can actually convince you that you are.

This is why positive thinking and all those books about being happy do not work long term — because they do not make your mind truly believe those thoughts, and so they don’t stick around for long.

Books are a great reminder of what the real, positive truth is, a reminder that we all have the predisposition for great achievements if we have the right outlook on life. However, even though everything seems so clear while we read those motivating lines, soon after we seem to forget how powerful we are and on we go with the same limiting thoughts. Why? Because until we truly believe something, it will not change our life. We will not act on it, and we very soon forget those positive thoughts that we are supposed to be thinking. When we truly don’t believe in ourselves and our greatness, a minor bump in the road or a mean comment will shake us to our core. We need to believe that we are great, and just like anything, it takes time and practice to transform our mind and our thinking patterns. The more we believe, the more we will achieve, creating continuous confirmation of our positive beliefs, making them stronger in our mind. So how do we actually do this?

We change our life by training our mind over and over again, reaffirming the positive truths in our mind and executing them in our life, until our mind believes them, like any other undeniable truth.

If you haven’t tried it yet, get our FREE success and mind-coaching app today, and get rid of the negativity once and for all: https://app.getyob.com/

